
國教處|海外留學説明會 桃園12/14 台北12/15 一圓留學夢


想在大學階段拓展國際視野、提升競爭力嗎?國教處一年一度的「海外留學說明會」是同學們最佳的機會!幫助大家能快速了解歐、美、亞國際姐妹學校2024-25提供哪些出國交換機會,並講解教育部公費獎助出國研修計畫的申請條件,桃園場12/14 (四) 12:00 在S104會議室,台北場12/15 (五) 12:00於E402大會議室舉行,海外留學申請條件複雜,說明會將為你說明各種留學機會之選擇與申請流程等訊息,活動採自由入座,現場發送精美留學手冊。出席說明會是圓夢第一步,除出席說明會外,有興趣的同學務必把握年底前報考托福TOEFL或IELTS考試,以利通過申請門檻。

(TOEFL-iBT) 79分以上或雅思(IELTS) 6.0以上。申請截止日分為兩個梯次: 2024秋季學期出國是2024/3/4截止;2025春季學期出國則2024/9/23截止,想在大學階段拓展國際視野、提升競爭力的同學請多加留意。若有疑問,相關訊息均可至國教處網頁 https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/  出國留學計畫查詢。

Dream of Studying Abroad?

MCU Study Abroad Program can fulfill your dream of studying abroad, expanding your horizon
and competitiveness during the university education.

The Annual Study Abroad Seminar will be held as follows: TAOYUAN Campus at 12:00 on
Thursday December 14th in S104; TAPEI Campus at 12:00 on Friday December 15th in E402. Come
and learn about opportunities by MCU’s international sister schools in Europe, U.S., and Asia for
2024-2025 academic year.

To apply, you must be a registered student at MCU, with cumulative academic average of 75 or
above, and TOEFL-iBT score of at least 79 or a 6.0 IELTS score.

The application deadline for the fall semester 2024 is 2024/3/4; deadline for the spring
semester 2025 is 2024/9/23.

More information is available on IEE Website (https://iee.mcu.edu.tw) under Exchange