上圖為觀光學院餐旅系於上週12/14(一)的12:00點在P棟中庭主辦聖誕蛋糕裝飾比賽已歡樂落幕,本次比賽的參加選手共有七組,除本系外還有醫工及應中兩組外系組隊報名參賽,大家必須在有限時間內,運用現有材料來打造獨一無二只屬於自己的聖誕節蛋糕。 (家菱)
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! 想知道誰英文比較溜嗎?想知道誰最會玩嗎?想知道西方聖誕節怎樣過最嗨嗎? 雖然只會講英文,但就是很不一樣!這是國際學院首度與應英系共同舉辦聖誕派對;12/24(四)18:00-21:30在M102-2,請著白、綠、紅元素衣物進場,有刺激熱血的遊戲與豐富精美禮品;歡迎邀請想練英文的朋友們,一起來參加2020平安夜國際派對!
All I want for Christmas is you! This is the first time that International College has cooperated with Applied English Department for a Christmas Party, and this party provides delicious food, exciting games and abundant prizes for all participants! The party will be held on Thursday December 24 from 18:00 to 21:30, on Taoyuan Campus in M102-2. The only condition of entry is that participants are required to wear white, green or red clothing. What are you waiting for? Bring your friends and join us to have a warm Christmas Party together!