
【838】IC Freshmen Cup Results

by Keven Chen Congratulations to all the participants in the Freshmen Cup; the competition is now officially all over. International College on both Taipei and Taoyuan campuses successfully put out teams for all of the competitions. Championships in women’s swimming were brought in by Taipei IC’s Fang Lin Lee, JMC1. She won both the freestyle 50m and breaststroke style. The women’s volleyball team in Taipei lost their opportunity to go any further after the first game, while the team in Taoyuan worked their way up the best eight of Taoyuan campus. The Taoyuan women’s basketball team had the best achievement among IC basketball teams, going all the way to eighth place on Taoyuan campus. For men’s basketball, both Taipei and Taoyuan lost their first games, and hence their chances to continue in this tournament.
