by Keven Chen The Choral Contest on Taipei campus is coming up on Nov. 30 at the Sun Yat Sen Auditorium (I Building) at 6:30 pm. There are going to be 8 teams competing in this round. Aside from the first place award, there will be three other awards presented, for the best director, the most synchronized choir and a mystery award that will be announced and presented that night. On Taoyuan campus, the first-round Choral Contest will be held on December 3. Each choir has prepared two songs for this contest, one required by the university and one chosen by themselves. The required song is, as always, the school alma mater. For the self-selected song, choirs can select a song in any language. The top-placed choirs will earn a spot in the Choir Contest Finals to be held at the Taoyuan campus on December 9. So, get ready for it, and start practicing now!