
【807】國教處招募觀光大使 Welcome to My Homeland

繼出版《世界各國禮俗與禁忌—全球公民簡易指南》專書,國際教育交流處再推出「到我家來作客」影音節目,邀請各國同學化身為觀光大使,以主播模式向全校師生介紹你的國家,邀請大家到你的國家作客,讓銘傳人不用出國,也可以從銘傳看世界。 本項結合教學卓越計畫的活動,將依據本校現有學生國籍,錄製近55個國家文化影音介紹,國教處下週一(11/14)中午12時於台北音樂廳,下週三(11/16)中午12時於桃園Q501,辦理錄影說明會,歡迎全校國際學生共同參與,如有問題洽daphne@mail.mcu.edu.tw,或電承辦人員朱亭佳(分機3703)。 Welcome to My Homeland The International Education and Exchange Division will be making video clips featuring introductions and information of nearly 55 different countries around the world delivered by MCU international students. The contents of the clips include culture, customs, taboos, etiquette and other related topics for these countries. This project is run collaboratively with the Teaching Excellence project, and therefore only MCU students may participate. Pre-filming seminars will be held by the division next Monday (11/14) at noon in the Multipurpose Theatre and Distance Education Classroom in E Building on Taipei campus and next Wednesday (11/16) at noon in Q501 on Taoyuan campus. For more information, please call Ms. Chu at extension 3703 or email to daphne@mail.mcu.edu.tw .
