銘傳大學在實行教育體質的總體改造後,使本校在傳統校風的背後;仍不斷有新的精神與新的制度加入其中,致使樸實無華的學風依舊,卻造就出更高品質的學生。因此,面對即將來到的美國認證自我研議訪視,我相信全校師生都可以自豪的大聲喊出:「銘傳大學準備好了,歡迎您們前來訪視」。 In the face of the challenges of evaluation, Ming Chuan University has had considerable experience and achievements. We have obtained tremendous results in both domestic and foreign evaluations. Therefore, the school can be said to be an institution holding to both domestic and international accreditation standards and unique characteristics of its own. Teachers and students can proudly say: “Ming Chuan University is ready to welcome your visit at any time!”” (本文摘自MSCHE認證說明手冊,如欲參考全文,請見認證說明手冊,或至本校MOODLE網頁下載電子全文)”