
【771專欄】採認可制的美國高教評鑑/Understanding U.S. Higher Education Accreditation

美國高教評鑑採認可制。認可制是由非官方的學術團體實施同僚認定,以檢視大學是否符合校務發展目標及外在標準,包括大學校務的機構認可,與院、系所、學程的學門認可兩種。在台灣,高等教育亦是由非官方的評鑑中心負責,由大學教授組成專業評鑑群,前往大學訪視,以檢視大學的辦學理念、過程與結果,是否符合校務發展目標,及所有大學與政府認同的外在標準。經認定符合標準者,即代表大學辦學已符合一定的品質標準。由此觀之,台灣教育體制,多移植美國制度,故台、美在教育或評鑑體制上,存有許多共通點。 The evaluation of higher education authorized in the United States adopts an accreditation system that is implemented by a non-governmental organization, which examines university development goals to make sure they meet the standards. In Taiwan, higher education is also evaluated by a non-official organization composed of university professors and administrators from a professional evaluation group. This organization visits all universities to assess their operations, making sure they are consistent with school development goals, as well as the standards of higher education and the government. Once accredited, the university will be recognized as meeting the standards of higher education. Thus, Taiwan’s higher education system shares many characteristics with that of the States.
