

迎向二十一世紀的銘傳大學,它的教育宗旨是在「一念三化」的目標下,培育高品質的公民,使其具備和世界競爭條件的優秀人才。然而近年來,隨著台灣高等教育的急速擴張,大學院校數目與學生人數,已呈倍數成長,大學錄取率更是逼近百分之百,使得台灣的大學,由過去的菁英教育邁向普及教育。因為大學教育品質,是一個國家軟實力的具體表徵,儼然代表國力的強弱,故如何建置一套有效的監督制度,以維持大學學術品質,是社會大眾所關心的議題。 With the goals of Excellence, Professionalism and Internationalization as part of “caring for our students with a parent’s heart”, Ming Chuan University sets as its educational purpose in the 21st century the cultivation of high-quality citizens and talented individuals who can successfully compete in the world. However, in recent years, with the rapid expansion of higher education in Taiwan, the number of colleges and universities and the number of students have multiplied substantially. The university admissions rate is close to 100 percent, making Taiwan’s universities the providers of nearly universal education rather than the destinations for an elite few, as they had been in the past. Because the quality of university education represents a country’s soft power and national strength, how to establish an effective monitoring system in order to maintain academic quality has become an issue of public concern.
