by Emily Wang From July 5 to 26, 2010, Jihe Complex will be the venue of a MCU 2010 Multiple Intelligence Mandarin Summer Camp. Youth who are 12 – 16 years old and interested in language learning and cultural experience can join. Courses include a combination of Mandarin classes and cultural activities in a Multiple Intelligence approach, particularly designed for enhancing students’ Mandarin proficiency and developmental intelligences. Course hours are Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 4:00 for regular classes/activities and field trips; Saturday and Sunday for optional city tours. As for tuition fee, the total amount is USD 780 (NTD 24,000 for the 3-week course including course materials, lunch, basic insurance, certificate, and Friday field trips. Detailed schedules and related learning activities are available on the webpages of the Teaching Chinese as a Second Language department.