喜歡聽英文歌嗎?想要個展現歌喉的地方嗎?最適合的舞台在這裡!由應英系舉辦的英文歌唱比賽The Voice of MCU 8 弦外之英即日起報名至3/26(日)23:59止。比賽方式以個人組進行,第一階段初賽採自拍歌唱影片,參賽者需上傳一分鐘以內的清唱影片,上應英系IG掃描QR code填寫資料,即可完成報名,初賽與決賽的歌曲需為同一首。通過初賽的參賽者,決賽會於5/10(三)18:00在桃園校區P102以現場演出的形式展開,優勝者還會贏得豐富的獎金!不限年級無論是北銘或是桃銘的同學皆可報名參加,一起來享受這難得的音樂盛宴吧!比賽相關資訊請上應英系IG [銘傳大學應用英語學系學會(@mcusunshineae)• Instagram 相片與影片]查詢。
Get ready for The Voice of MCU 8, the campus-wide English singing contest! Are you ready to live out your dream of becoming a singer and showing off your amazing voice on stage? Don’t wait any longer, take the first step and share your talent with others! Let your voice inspire and captivate the audience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to shine! Sign up now and make your mark in this exciting competition.
To participate in the competition, you are required to appear in the submitted video with a clear display of your face and ensure that your voice is clear and audible.
微風徐徐、陽光普照的日子裡,聖經真理研究社本學期社課為每週三晚上6:30,設有愛筵,歡迎舊雨新知共同參與,地點等詳情請自行私訊[tymcu_bsc ]。 (采倩)