
MCU COVID-19 Prevention Notice (Effective September 27, 2021)

In accordance with the September 7, 2021 MOE official document TCKT No. 1100121132 “2021-22 AY Management Guidelines for COVID-19 Containment at Universities,” Ming Chuan University is implementing the following measures:

■ Campus health monitoring:

◇ Those entering the campus should accept contact-information-based measures, temperature checks, and wear face masks at all times. Please swipe your Faculty and Staff ID cards or Student ID cards for entering the campus and each venue.

◇ During the self-health management period after home quarantine ends, DO NOT enter the campus to attend classes or go to crowded places. Individuals should always exercise precautionary measures.

◇ If you have pneumonia or are experiencing fever, respiratory symptoms, abnormal smell/taste, unexplained diarrhea or other suspected symptoms of infection, please DO NOT enter the campus.

◇ Food manufacturers and delivery personnel must follow the above regulations and are restricted to wait in the delivery waiting area and are not allowed to enter buildings or offices.

■ Teaching:

◇ Starting September 27, students will attend classes on-site and online dispersed by odd and even weeks according to their student ID number. The odd and even weeks are marked on the Ming Chuan University 2021-22 Academic Year 1st Semester Calendar. 

◇ If, even after dispersion, the class size still exceeds the maximum number of people, then the class will be offered online. The university will revise this according to updated notices from the Central Epidemic Command Center.

◇ On-site classes must follow the epidemic prevention regulations, including always sitting in the assigned seat, wearing a face mask at all times, maintaining air flow (the windows in opposite corners in the classroom should be open at least 15 cm), and disinfecting periodically. The course instructor must take role accurately for each class period as to keep track of students’ attendance.

■ Meetings and Activities:

◇ Meeting online will be the first priority, on-site meetings will be held in the case of practical operations or when the topic covers confidential information.

◇ A maximum of 80 people indoors and 300 people outdoors; all must accept contact-information-based measures, sit in the assigned seats by plum-blossom seating arrangement, wear face masks at all times, sanitize hands with 75% alcohol solution, and follow Guidelines for Large-scale Public Gatherings.

■ On-campus Food:

◇ When eating in student restaurants or convenience stores, please accept contact-information-based measures, temperature checks, hand sanitation with 75% alcohol solution and maintaining social distance in lines. The dining area is equipped with partitions and plum-blossom seating arrangement. Please do not talk while enjoying your meal. All relevant staff members are required to wear face masks and disinfect periodically.

◇ When eating in a classroom (open for lunch), please leave space to the front and back, left and right of your seat; the maximum number allowed to eat at one time is one fourth of the total seats in the classroom.  

◇ Additional outdoor spaces for recreation (dining), 13 places and 56 sets of table and chairs (including umbrellas) were established on Taipei and Taoyuan campuses, please sit by plum-blossom seating arrangement.

◎ There are 5 places on Taipei Campus: wood deck between A Building and D Building, wood deck on the 5th floor of B Building, BBQ area at the back of the campus, Ming Garden and Heart Music Plaza.

◎ There are 8 places on Taoyuan Campus: 2nd to 3rd floors in Social Sciences Building, platform in front of P Building (both sides), platform between Gymnasium I and S Building, wood deck and circular platform in front of Ming Garden.

■ Student Dormitory:

◇ Dormitory curfew, temperature checks, personal care, and health promotion implementation will be continued. Please replenish epidemic prevention supplies, disinfect regularly, maintain air flow, maintain social distance and wear face masks, etc.  

■ Library:

◇ The Library will be opened regularly as usual during the semester from September 27, 2021, and will be closed for national holidays. However, the Library is open only for MCU faculty and staff members and students, off-campus visitors are not allowed to use the Library services. Please wear a face mask at all times and follow the relevant epidemic regulations. For further details, please refer to the Library website.

■ Appropriate Opening of Public Spaces:

◇ Library Self-Learning Study Rooms: The Self-Learning Study Rooms on the 5th floor of Taipei Library and FF102 of Taoyuan Campus International Building: Open 24 hours a day, the seats have been reduced to 50% of the original number; please maintain 1.5 meter social distance, and a wear face mask all the time.

◇ Labs: FF602, FF605 and FF614 on Taipei Campus will be opened from 8:00-21:30 on weekdays; CC303 on Taoyuan Campus will be opened from 8:00-21:30 on weekdays and will use plum-blossom seating arrangement.

◇ Gymnasium: Will be open only for MCU faculty and staff members and students during the weekdays when there are no classes. Please maintain social distance or wear a face mask all the time. Please contact the Physical Education Office for any particular use.

■ For those who are at higher risk of being infected with COVID-19 due to implementing official business or who – based on professional judgement – must be checked, Ming Chuan University will provide rapid home test kits via MCU Campus Health Services Section on each campus.

■ The University will adjust planning through a rolling management method in accordance with relevant regulations from the Central Epidemic Command Center and announce said adjusted planning through “COVID-19 Prevention Link” on MC Weekly. All faculty members and students are to please follow @MCUWeekly through Facebook or Instagram so as to not miss any of the latest news.