


  1. 謝絕所有非洽公訪客進入校園。
  2. 進入校園務必配合體溫量測。
  3. 進入教室上課的師生,務必佩戴口罩保護自己也保護別人。
  4. 養成用肥皂勤洗手、戴口罩習慣,落實良好公共衛生管理。
  5. 上課時保持通風,前後門窗要打開,確保空氣流通。
  6. 依指揮中心對國人入出境及參加公眾集會之指示,請在防疫期間,避免非必要或非急迫之出國,若有特殊需要應報請學校知悉並請假。
  7. 避免參加集會活動,須審慎評估,並對與會者資訊、活動場所條件等可能風險程度有充分了解,盡量避免出入人群聚集場所,保持適當社交距離(室內1.5公尺、室外1公尺)。
  8. 在防疫期間,誠實記錄課後旅遊、聚會與其他集會活動,以利日後可能須配合疫情調查之用,如因隱匿而造成日後校園防疫破口,將依校內獎懲規定追究其責任。
  9. 如有同住親友正進行居家檢疫、居家隔離或自主健康管理者,請通知主管或班級導師,並待同住親友檢疫滿14日後再行返校。
  10. 若有自主健康管理,應避免外出旅遊、聚會與參與其他集會活動。
  11. 熟知Teams系統操作,配合演練,以為特殊狀況之學習準備。


  1. 旗山老街
  2. 屏東縣南州鄉以南(含墾丁觀光景點)
  3. 台南虎頭碑
  4. 台南關仔嶺
  5. 雲林北港朝天宮
  6. 花蓮東大門夜市
  7. 嘉義市文化路
  8. 阿里山森林遊樂園
  9. 烏山頭水庫
  10. 湖境渡假會館等碑塘風景區
  11. 高雄興達港
  12. 其他人潮擁擠風景區

>> 教職員工表單(於4/7日10點前填寫完畢)
>> 學生表單(於4/7日17點前填寫完畢)
相關校園防疫措施,請詳閱銘傳大學校園防疫通告 https://web.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/content/containment
【Ming Chuan University Preventing the Invasion of COVID-19】
Ming Chuan University Notification upon Returning to School after the Tomb Sweeping Festival Long Weekend

Dear all faculty and staff members and students,
After the Tomb Sweeping Festival long weekend, the spread of COVID-19 hasn’t slowed, to allow students to keep on with their learning without worry, MCU has determined to strengthen campus disease prevention efforts from Apr. 7, 2020, and everyone needs to follow related regulations as below:
1.The university will enforce access control to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from Apr. 7, 2020; except for official university affairs, visitors can’t enter the university.
2. Please cooperate with temperature checks affairs when entering the university campus.
3. To protect yourself and other people, all faculty members and students need to wear surgical masks in classrooms.
4. To implement good public health management, everyone should cultivate the habit of washing hands frequently with soap and wearing surgical masks.
5. Open the all doors and windows of the classroom to maintain a flow of fresh air indoors.
6. Following the instructions from Central Epidemic Command Center regarding people entering and exiting Taiwan and participating in public activities, please avoid going abroad if there is no need or urgent reason. Please inform the university and take leave once you have a special need to go abroad.
7. Avoid participating in any group activities, estimating who will participate, the activity venue and the risk of participating is necessary before you participate in any activity; avoid entering any crowded places, and keep appropriate social distance with other people (1.5 meters indoors, and 1 meter outdoors).
8. During the disease containment period, to make disease investigation proceed smoothly, please honestly record your off-campus travel history, and all information regarding participation in meetings and activities. The university will follow related Merit or Demerit Regulations and investigate related liability should the university discover that faculty or staff members, or students concealed their actual travel history or meeting and activity participation information resulting in increased disease infection risk on campus.
9. Please inform your superior or class advisor if your family members or friends who live with you are now are conducting home quarantine, home isolation or carrying out self-management of health, and stay home with them; don’t come to the university campus until they complete home quarantine for 14 days.
10. People who carry out self-management of health should avoid travel outside or participating in any meetings or activities.
11. Please be familiar with Teams system and practice to use it well in case any special situation occurs.

Self-Health Management Notice after Spring Break
Dear colleagues and students,
Ⅰ. Students, faculty, and staff who have visited the 11 tourist attractions announced by the government, or other crowded places, during Spring Break are advised to conduct self-health management measures at home for 14 days from April 6 to April 19.
Ⅱ. During the 14-day period, faculty and students are advised to use distance teaching and learning and staff members should work from home. Please fill out the form and submit it to your department office or unit.
Ⅲ. 11ourist attractions announced by the government

  1. Cishan’s Old Street
  2. Southern areas of Nancho Township in Pingtung (including tourist spots in Kenting)
  3. Hutoupi Scenic Area in Tainan
  4. Guanziling in Tainan
  5. Beigang Chaotian Temple in Yunlin
  6. Dongdamen Tourist Night Market in Hualien
  7. Wen-hua Road area in Chiayi
  8. Alishan National Park
  9. Wusanto Reservoir
  10. Lake Scenic Area including Huching Resort Hotel
  11. Xingda Fishing Port in Kaohsiung
  12. Other crowded tourist spots

>> Faculty and staff report form (Please fill in before 10 a.m. on April 7)
>> Student report form (Please fill in before 17 p.m. on April 7)
To get through COVID-19, let us cooperate together for disease containment!
For further relevant epidemic prevention measures on campus, please refer to the Announcement regarding Ming Chuan University Preventing the Invasion of COVID-19 at https://web.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/content/containment.