

IC Team Won the Hult Prize at MCU and Heading to Regionals Next Spring

International College / Dr. Chen Ho

十年來,霍特獎(Hult Prize)基金會致力推動世界各地學生團隊發展創新社會企業模式,針對不同亟待解決之世界性社會議題提出解決方案,2020年主題為「Building startups that have a positive impact on our planet with every dollar earned」,旨在募集能夠為環境帶來變革性影響的新創事業構想。霍特獎競賽由聯合國贊助發起,被譽為全世界大學生的諾貝爾獎,來自多達120個國家的學生團隊,都有機會從校園競賽開始競技,爭取晉級區域決賽及國際總決賽的機會,全球總冠軍可獲得美金100萬元的創業基金!
銘傳素以扎實商業教育著稱,成立台灣第一個國際學院十多年來,孕育數以百計來自60多國的青年學子,去年與今年的銘傳霍特獎,皆由校園領袖、大四印尼生吳鈴珠主辦,獲得師生熱烈響應。今年共計15隊大學生及研究生組隊參賽,冠軍隊伍4名學生分別來自南韓、印尼、台灣及越南,隊長Tay Chun表示:「我們贏得比賽心存感恩,這個全新經驗讓我們學習到積極求知的重要性,感謝教授們及主辦人員在銘傳辦了這個有意義的競賽,讓我們有機會接受世界級挑戰。」

On November 29, we successfully hosted the final competition of Hult Prize at Ming Chuan University. In just one month, fifteen teams produced all kinds of unique social business models to tackle the 2020 challenge:“Building startups that have a positive impact on our planet with every dollar earned”.
This year, the first place was won by four IC students with their fitness app idea that deals with deforestation problem. The second-place and third-place teams are mixed with students from Biotech Department, School of Management, and IC. Both teams presented ideas to create positive impacts through innovative agriculture solutions. Tay Chun, captain of the first-place winner, said: “It was a very humbling experience to win the Hults Prize with my teammates. The whole experience brought us new perspectives and realized how important it is to be proactive to gain new knowledge. Also, I want to take time to appreciate all the professors and the committee for setting up the whole event for giving all of us an opportunity here in Ming Chuan.” Yes! Big thanks to many MCU professors for their generous help and support. Because of their coaching and support, more MCU students are able to take the challenge and perform their best! Now, the winners (more than one team) are going to take even bigger challenge at the regional rounds next year in Spring. They are all highly motivated to be able to go further. With continuous supports from school, they will make Ming Chuan proud again!
Lastly, IC students in the organizing committee did an excellent job this year demonstrating passions and professional quality. Those competent students are mixed with students from IBT and JMC classes. With appropriate succession, we could make Hult Prize a continuing tradition at Ming Chuan. Visit Hult Prize at MCU Facebook fan page for more stories.