

IC國際學院畢業舞會將於6/4(二)在兩校區登場,本週開始賣票!桃園校區6/4(二)18:00在體育一館一樓,而台北校區則在逸仙堂舉行。 透過國際化的畢業舞會,將帶領同學們回到90年代,除提供許多好吃的食物和豐盛飲料,還有許多精彩的表演,誠摯的邀請同學們一同加入這奇妙又特別的旅程,相信這將會是大學最令人難忘的回憶!
桃園校區票價為一人$150,報名表單請至FB【MCU ICSA – 銘傳大學國際學院院學會】填寫,也可於5/31前每日12:10-12:40至P棟中庭購買,而大四畢業生皆免費!桃園校區的同學們,凡參加盛會者都能夠拿到抽獎券並有機會贏得豐富大獎,攜伴參加還有更高的機會贏得大獎。
台北校區票價為大一至大三學生$50/人、外系學生$100/人、大四生攜伴參加即免費,報名表單請至FB【銘傳大學 台北國際學院院學會 MCU ICES】填寫,而台北校區凡前100位搶先填寫表單並參加舞會者,都能夠獲得精美小禮物!
International College Graduation Prom will be held on June 4 concurrently in the 1 st floor Gymnasium on Taoyuan Campus and Sun Yat Sen Auditorium on Taipei Campus. Ticket information for Taoyuan Campus: Free entry for every Senior student, others need to pay NTD 50 per person. Students can find the application form on MCU ICSA Facebook page for more details or directly buy tickets at P building atrium every weekday from 12:10 pm to 12:40 pm before May 31. Ticket information for Taipei Campus: Free entry for every Senior student arriving with a prom date; non-senior IC students need to pay NTD 50 per person, and other department students NTD 100 per person. Students can find the application form on MCU ICES Facebook page for more details. (LeAnn Eyerman)