The Ministry of Education entrusts Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) to implement university affairs accreditation site visits to guarantee university quality, display education delivery outcomes, carry out civic responsibility, implement student learning outcome mechanisms and implementation, and promote students’ career competitiveness. The 2018 university affairs accreditation of MCU will be held on November 15 (Thursday) and 16 (Friday) on both Taipei and Taoyuan campuses. There will be 15 committee members visiting Taoyuan Campus for two days and 4 committee members at Taipei Campus for one day.
MCU’s University Affairs Development Plan is established based on the institution’s educational philosophy and needs of the national and social environment. The University Affairs Development Committee establishes the goals, sub-projects and implementation strategy, while the academic and administration units establish the annual implementation goals and actions based on these. The draft of the University Affairs Development Plan must be reviewed by the University Affairs Development Committee, approved by the University Affairs Committee and the Board of Directors.
The core goals of self-assessment are use, review and improved actions based on institutional internal and external accreditation results, the plan and methods of innovative and sustainable operations, the measures to maintain faculty and staff members and students’ rights, as well as the assurance of sustainable mechanisms and actions related to finance. MCU emphasizes applying PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle), exhibits international strategy and outcomes, and our global ambition and strengths are based on MCU’s one mission and three goals. MCU keeps improving to achieve sustainable operations, ensure students’ competitiveness, and create new education vision through internal quality assurance and external accreditation mechanisms.