
北銘畢聯會|畢業餐會 Ming’s Celebration調查

應屆畢業生們還在煩惱畢業餐會的理想餐點與地點嗎?台北校區畢聯會提供最佳方案-「在學校的畢業餐會」!當天活動除了多樣美食外,還有精彩的表演與抽獎等著大家喔!餐會時間訂於5/16 (三) 17:30-21:30,地點為台北校區逸仙堂,需著晚宴之正式服裝(西裝、禮服、洋裝等)。
座位以十人為一桌,報名採團體報名(限銘傳大學應屆大四生),10人為一桌(可十人以下,但仍採NT$5,000為桌費)。每桌需選一名”桌長”,與一名”副桌長”,在餐會入場時需十位到齊後再進場。報名期限至本週日(4/22)23:59止。繳費方式可分成兩種:1.至台北校區畢聯會辦公室(學生活動中心1F)進行繳費,期限為4/30-5/4 12:00-13:00 2.使用匯款或轉帳至畢聯會指定之受款帳戶,期限為4/30-5/4 20:00止。請各桌桌長或副桌長完成繳費,使用匯款或轉帳之繳費方式者,完成繳費後須通知畢聯會,且待畢聯會通知至畢聯會會辦領取入場券。因場地大小僅供48桌,桌位將由繳費優先順序安排,桌位由中間至兩側依序排入,想要搖滾區的同學要搶要快喔!

Graduation party 【Ming’s Celebration 】
1. Time:2018/05/16 (Wed) 17:30pm – 21:30pm
2. Location:Ming Chuan University Tapei Campus(Sun Yat Sen Auditorium)
3. Seat:Maximum 10 person
4. Dresscode:Formal (suits, dresses)
5. Entry : Kindly enter the party altogether with your groupmate
6. Registration Website https://goo.gl/forms/nb6S2cQVlh96p3am1 (please select agree below the form)

▲Registration rules
1. Registration in group, with maximum 10 persons per table (NT$5,000 per table)
2. Select 2 representatives for each table.
3. Registration window: ROC 2018/04/17 00:00am till ROC 2018/04/22 23:59pm
4. Ticket Price: NT$5000 per table,which means NT$500 per person
5. Payment Methods:
(1) Kindly remit the payment at Ming Chuan University Taipei Campus Graduating Class Activities Association (Student Activities Center 1F)
(2) Remit or bank transfer the collected fee (NT$5000) to specified bank account by table representatives.
6. Payment Window:
ROC 2018/04/30 till ROC 2018/05/04 12:00am-13:00am (for paying at Graduating Class Activities Association Center)
ROC 2018/04/30 till ROC 2018/05/04 before 20:00pm (for Transfer payment)
7. Remark: Please inform member of Graduating Class Activities Association once table representatives complete the payment.
8. Eligibility of Registree:
Final year student of Ming Chuan University
9. Please go to Graduating Class Acitivities Association to collect your ticket after payment.
10. Table will be place along with center aisle. Due to the limited size of venue, the table will be assigned with order of remitting payment.