校 園 焦 點
◎高等教育國際合作基金會受教育部委託進行大學校院招收外籍學生問卷調查與實地訪視,訪視列車3/23(一)駛入桃園校區。當日訪視過程包含學校國際境外招生簡介、雙向交流、外籍生抽談及校園參觀等四個部分,本校國際化程度及外國學生總量、成長情況及輔導機制,讓訪視的四位委員留下深刻印象。目前,本校外籍學生人數527人位居全國之冠,並獲教育部98學年度擴大招收外籍生計畫最高補助790萬元 (文.圖/朱亭佳)
◎桃銘迎校慶 北銘碩專班筆試今登場
大學甄選報名人數創新高 二年制在職專班發簡章
就學貸款申請不合格名單已出爐,申請不合格共117人,審核須付半額利息為38人,欲知詳細名單可至就學補助承辦單位洽詢,台北生輔組洪芬老師或桃園學務組陳昭蓉老師 。
◎教學卓越Part18_課程地圖 學習指引
◎David Hollowell Keren Froslid Jones蒞校指導MSCHE工作
為加速本校通過美國MSCHE國際認證,經由副校長善邦的特別邀請,David Hollowell 及 Karen Froslid Jones 顧問將於4/6抵達台灣,來本校指導MSCHE工作小組有關Self-study Design及Research Questions之撰擬。
由於中西文化差異及認知不同之故,顏副校長及艾麗蓮老師認為目前MSCHE工作小組所擬的Research Questions大部份偏於Descriptive的方式,較缺乏分析性的資料,這不太符合Self-study的需求。希望藉由Hollowell 及Karen顧問的指導,一方面可使Steering Committee Member 能知道我們自己的長處和弱點,另一方面可強化Research Questions更具有分析性及可評估性,如此使銘傳大學通過MSCHE認證,再邁前一大步。
進修推廣處承辦僑委會委託「2009年海外僑商國際企業研習班」,僑委會副委員長許振榮暨第三處處長梁崇禮,本校副校長顏善邦、進修推廣處處長陳振祥、國企系主任張瑞晃等,3/16一起出席該項始業式。此次研習班共有來自25個國家的51名學員,其中總經理級以上的學員就有21人。許副委員長表示,在這個高度競爭、高度國際化的時代,最能形容企業生態的一句話即為「Innovation or Die」,企業唯有不斷創新才能生存。 (文/林妙影.圖/進修推廣處提供)
◎52週年校慶 追思與慶祝
你知道圖書館有那些豐富的電子資源嗎?你懂得如何使用這些無形的資產嗎?3/31(二)14:10圖書館台北館將於三樓視聽室舉辦「電子資源介紹說明會」,四月份則預計推出一連串相關電子資源說明活動,意者可逕洽圖書館秦鴻翠老師(分機2278)。 (詩涵)
◎校友會 總會理事長盧明珠 捐款103萬 桃園分會捐血贈樹苗
圖為故包創辦人德明校長生前於校友會會員大會中,與總會理監事們合影,後排著桃紅衣者即為本次捐款103萬的總會理事長、匯泰開發集團董事長盧明珠。 (圖/本刊資料照)
◎表揚10位特優教師 64位資深教職員
English News
English News Summary
Study Abroad at MCU Sister Universities
MCU sister universities in the U.S.A. are providing two full tuition and graduate assistantships for MCU students and alumni. The MBA program at the Western Illinois University is a two-year program with full tuition and graduate assistantship. The MA in Linguistics or MA in TESOL program at the Department of Foreign Languages in West Virginia University is a one-year full tuition and graduate teaching assistantship program. For more information regarding the application, please go to the International Education and Exchange Division’s website or send email to “ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw.”
MCU’s 52nd Anniversary
In order to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the founding of Ming Chuan University and to express the gratitude towards the late Dr. Pao, festivities will be held this Saturday (3/28) on Taoyuan campus. Activities include celebration meetings, cocktail party, sports festival, alumni activities meeting, student clubs carnival, Chinese Cheongsam show, cheerleading competition, and tug of war competition.
Student E-Portfolio Design Competition
The Teaching and Learning Resources Center is holding the Student E-Portfolio Design Competition. There are two categories for the competition: layout design and content design. For more information regarding the regulations and prizes, please go to the center’s website or contact Ms. Wu at “imritawu@mcu.edu.tw.”
“Just Show”
Starting from today, there are shows and fun activities to be held every noon in front of the HiLife Plaza on Taipei campus for a week (3/23-3/27). Different shows will be held every day such as clown show, magic show, band performance, and children’s diabolo show. In addition, there are booths selling home-made candies and cakes. Don’t miss out on the fun!
社 論
緬懷包創辦人 宏揚教育精神
專 業 開 講
◎桃園購買五月天門票加贈海報 台北523王力宏校園演唱會預購4/5止
王力宏首度校園專屬演唱會「心跳時刻」,5/23(六)晚上七點將在台北校區大操場舉行!第一波的校內預購已告一段落,兌換CD及門票的日期再行公佈,請密切注意王力宏校園演唱會銘傳場專屬宣傳無名(www.wretch.cc/blog/leehom520520)上的訊息喔!預購一直持續至4/5(日)截止,錯過預購者仍可至無名留言預購喔!請填妥姓名、聯絡電話及預購張數並至網誌觀看預購須知。前一千名購買加送「校唱版」限量海報一張!同時,還可參加抽獎,就有機會成為王力宏「另一個天堂」的女主角,與王力宏在校園演唱會面對面喔!演唱會也將送出其獨家代言SONY ERISSON手機一支!想要跟王力宏一起HIGH翻銘傳嗎?趕快向學生會購買門票喔!如有任何疑問,歡迎上銘傳場專屬的無名網站留言板詢問,或聯絡負責人楊子賢:feiaisi@hotmail.com。
為服務離鄉背井來台北讀書的學生,軍訓室有意成立「蝸牛社」,協助在外租屋同學安全,並提供管道傳承學長姐的租屋經驗,主要社團活動為推動租屋學生、房東、學校三方的聯繫、解決賃居所發生的疑難雜症等活動以增進全校賃居生情誼。歡迎有意願且具備服務熱忱的同學,向軍訓室陳天任教官報名,(02)28824564分機2237。 (思萍)
台北另類文藝季上週歡樂落幕,圖中魔術表演吸引同學圍觀與駐足,而各攤位的創作品也獲得同學不少青睞。 (文.圖/田美英)
生 活 主 題
Prieur Marie法國
I enjoy my time in MCU Campus. I like so many students from Taiwan who are really friendly. I am very happy to be in Taiwan even it's so different from France!
Ben Hakam 摩洛哥
Happy 52nd Birthday to MCU. I pray a hope they slay alwe
巴祐寧 Joagni 布吉納法索
Ming Chuan University: it's a melting pot of disparate and rich cultures from various parts of the world. This University not only cultivates in us a sharpened sense of belonging to the same family; it also braces us with the chains of a healthy interpersonal relationship.
鄴杰昇 Jason Ellis / 英國
Students are not hostile and ready to help at all times.
Fatou Williams 甘比亞
Students are not hostile and ready to help at all times.
莊尤釵 / 法國
卡諾孟 聖多美普林西比
I would like to say thanks for the MCU existence,MCU is not just a school(university) is a kind of big house that we live as an entire family,and wish this family can become bigger and bigger in the future.
倫吉喜 Mlungisi Jabu 史瓦濟蘭
MCU has made my experience in Taiwan pleasant.MCU cares about the welfare of its international students and regularly plans activities that cater for our social needs,such as trips during breaks.
齊牧圖 Kelson 馬拉威
Provides good learning atmosphere.MCU has good learning resoures.Having a lot of international students,it has helped to learn about other people's cultures.Good learning curriculum.
Clarissa Weber 德國
I really like MCU.Especially that there is a lot of cross cultural interaction.
Valeit Papescl 德國
MCU is a great university with a lot of students from foreign countries!
Kristina Kironska 斯洛伐克
Very friendly athosphere and helpful staff/teachers.
亞許阿銘 Amin 印度
I like the multi cultural environment. People are very friendly. And I can never forget the stairs.
黃秀愉 / 泰國
奧云蘇林 蒙古
馬詠娟 中國.澳門
盧鼎盛 馬來西亞
Corrie Dorenda Jaya 印尼
Just do it for the Best.
李雅雯 / 台灣
歐莉亞 / 俄羅斯
劉衍宗 中國.香港
Eveline 印尼
I like my class and my classmates. I think the MSCC program is good, I had the opportunity to experience homestay and meet tutor friend. Wher I come back to my county, I will miss all the things here.
朴世賢 韓國
鈴木利紀 / 日本
艾可東 Ika / 諾魯
Happy anniversary MCU,as a foreign student,appreciate a lot for taking us in.
馬凱文 / 帛琉
Tuition is very good.
Wendlcyna Wale 索羅門群島
Really cool school!!! Like the environment here.
李在容 / 韓國
武本 依 / 日本
潘恩紐 / 吐瓦魯
Taipei&Jihe building are great.It's been fun.
莫可莉 Gloria 馬紹爾群島
Good Classrooms and Seriously well Prepared Teachers.
包彼得 / 吉里巴斯
TEKERADI TE KORO N RIRIKR,MCU. A home of wisdom knowledge and love taught to youth of earth.
Deloach, Lauren / 美國
I really love the diverse culture here!
Michael Jefferies / 美國
I love the supportive environment at MCU.From the administantors to teachers to my fellow students,its as if we were one big family!
林娜娜 / 美國
MCU is a place that provides an ideal environment for getting to know classmates from different cultures and backgrounds.
狄龍 Edgar 瓜地馬拉
I love the international program MCU has. It mix culture from all the world with an excellent learning environment. The university gives you the opportunity to have a great cultural exchange with a high gualify staff and excellent education level.
貝美娃 Melva 貝里斯
With its multicultural diversity of students, Ming Chuan is the only university in Taiwan whereby we can experience another country's culture without ever landing foot in that particular country!
Nefty Fafet 薩爾瓦多
MCU is like a big family you have friends from a lot of countries makes you feel like you are at home.
費珍妮 Janiel 聖文森與格瑞那丁
Ming Chuan University having an all-English International program has opened the doors to international students by providing a dynamic, multicultural learning environment, where we are exposed to different countries and cultures through a wide scope of International students. Hence, enabling us not only to acquire advance knowledge but also enable to understand a wide rang of cultural differences.
姜康特 聖文森與格瑞那丁
MCUIC is like the U.N. in miniature.Many nations and cultures.At this institution one gets a lot more than just a formal education!
Alan Yang / 加拿大
It has been a great pleasure to be a part of MCU. MCU 52th birthday is also here. It is my honor to wish MCU Happy Birthday.
駱可文 Kerin L.Loyd 聖克里斯多福
MCU is a warm and friendly place that exposes students to learning and exchanging cultures freely and fairly.
孟皇 Juan 巴拿馬
MCU IC give you the opportunity to learn in an international environment with a high education guality. ITM demands you to have an international and cultural exchange and I'm getting both from my classmates. MCU makes the perfect environment for international and local students.
白立倫 Alvaro 巴西
MCU is like a second home.A place where I can dream,achieve and succeed.
Mai Murray 加拿大
MCU gives students a great opportunity to meet people from all around the world!
活 動 線 上
@MCU 52nd Anniversary- Memory Lane and Celebration
translated by Florrie & Jenet & LeAnn
Ming Chuan University 52nd Anniversary not only merges memories of Founder Pao and celebration, but also combines static and active events. The activities held today (March 28, 2009) will enable all honored guests, faculty and staff members, and students feel the youth and vigor of Ming Chuan. We would also like to appreciate and commemorate what Founder Pao has done for Ming Chuan.
Magnificent, Matchless Chipao Exhibition
Aside from the traditional activities of cocktail party, Alumni Association Meeting, Creative Cheerleading Dance Tournament, sports competitions, Tug-of-War between Taipei and Taoyuan campuses, and Club Carnival and Performance, we also have a Magnificent, Matchless Chipao Exhibition in the atrium of the Ying Chao Memorial Library until 5:00 pm today. The chipaos belonged to Founder Pao and were worn during 1956 to 2008 for important occasions. In addition, nearly 100 representative photos will be exhibited.
According to the curator, those chipaos are the historic epitome of Ming Chuan University for the past 52 years. Through the exhibition, Ming Chuan hopes to convey Founder Pao’s spirit of persistence to the faculty and staff members, and students, and have them experience her 103 years full of history, academia, patriotism and internationalism.
Memorial Gallery Opening
Furthermore, at the Archives Hall on the first floor of the third student dormitory, President Lee will host the opening of the “Founder Pao Memorial Gallery”, where a collection of historic documents and items belonging to Founder Pao will be on display.
Cocktail Party Celebration
At the cocktail party held on the first floor in the gymnasium, outstanding faculty and staff members who have served at Ming Chuan for 40, 30, 20, and 10 years will be awarded prizes, and faculty members will be recognized for 2007-8 Outstanding Teaching and 2008-9 Excellent Academic Research.
Student clubs will perform during the party to make some fun for the faculty members and students. The cocktail party will conclude with the singing of Happy Birthday by all.
Alumni Meet
After the cocktail party, the Alumni Association Meeting will be held at 11:00 am in P102 to stroll down memory lane.
Open House
The Product Innovation Center is also going to hold an opening ceremony in P105 today, and everyone is welcome to view the innovative thinking of MCU faculty members and students. American, Japanese and Chinese Culture Classrooms, the Teaching Hotel of the School of Tourism, the Virtual Studio of the School of Design, and the Central Control Room of the Information and Network Division will all be open to visitors today as a part of the festivities.
Clubs Galore!
The jubilant Clubs Carnival and Performances will be kicked off at the outdoor basketball court from 9:00 am. There are about 50 booths for the carnival and performances presented by the student clubs of Modern Dance, Yan Fong Popular Music Band, Sign Language and Magic.
Creative Cheerleading Dance and Sports Tournament
The Creative Cheerleading Dance Tournament will be held in Second Gymnasium on Chengkung Campus. There are A and B teams; the A team will start the competition at 9:30 am, and the B team will start at 2:00 pm. The high jump, the broad jump, male and female 100, 200 and 400 meters, and the relay race will take place on the athletic field from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Last but best is the Tug-of-War Tournament; this year the International Business Department is going to challenge the Electronic Engineering Department for male teams, and the Counseling and Industrial/Organizational Psychology Department will compete with the Risk Management and Insurance Department for female teams. The Counseling and Industrial/Organizational Psychology Department is striving for the fourth championship in a row this year!
International Academic Symposia
The 2009 International Academic Symposia were held on Taipei, Taoyuan, and Jihe campuses. President Lee and Vice President Yien were on Taoyuan and Taipei campuses, respectively, to open the symposium on 3/13. This year there were 855 papers published and many honored guests participated from abroad, coming from places such as Korea, USA, Japan, Australia, Mongolia, and Mainland China.
Teh Ming Memorial Library Unveiling
In grateful memory of Founder Pao’s uncountable contributions to Ming Chuan University, the library on Taipei campus will be christened as Teh Ming Memorial Library. The library will not only further Founder Pao’s thoughts on education but also her vision for libraries. President Lee, MCU administrators, faculty and staff members will participate in the unveiling ceremony for the new library name on Monday March 30 at 11:30am.
All of the Ming Chuan family are eternally thankful for Dr. Pao’s great sentiment in establishing the school as her dedication to the country as well as her full support to the library.
@MCU Presses Onward in International Education
translated by Janet Chao
According to the Webometrics Rankings of World’s Universities, published by the Spanish National Research Council , MCU was rated 24th in the Asia ranking and 1,002 in the world ranking. Four indicators were used to create ranking: size (number of pages recovered from four engines: Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead), visibility (external inlinks), rich files (pdf, ps, doc, ppt) and scholar (number of papers, reports and other academic items). In 2008, MCU received the best ranking (194) in the scholar indicator, evidence that our faculty’s academic research is gaining worldwide approval. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Harvard University, University of California Berkeley, and Cornell College were the top five universities in the rankings.
According to the Ministry of Education’s statistics, there was an increase of 1,000 (17,306 to 18,306) foreign students studying in Taiwan for this school year. MCU has 527 foreign students, highest of all universities in Taiwan.
@First Official Visiting Professor from China
translate by Florrie Lin
After President Lee was appointed as a visiting professor at Xiamen University of Technology last year, President of Xiamen University of Technology, Huang, Hong-Wu, led their alumni to visit Ming Chuan University during February 21 to 27, 2009.
Ming Chuan University awarded visiting professor contracts to President Huang, Chair of International Languages Department, and the Chair of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department.
President Lee remarked that it is really meaningful to award the first visiting professorship in 52 years to scholars from across the strait. These two universities also engaged in more discussion of the reciprocal partnership regarding the education in Kinmen and Xiamen.
President Lee says that Ming Chuan University will be a comprehensive university with students from Taiwan, Mainland and beyond through the alliance with Xiamen University of Technology and the combination of information and resources on Taipei, Toayuan and Kinmen campus after the opening by the government for Mainland students to study in Taiwan.
@Mongolia Global Leadership University visits MCU
translated by Florrie Lin
Mongolia Global Leadership University has sent two exchange students to Ming Chuan University in the second semester of 2008-9. They are studying in the second year of the International Business and Management Program in International College. So, two faculty members from Mongolia Global Leadership University visited Ming Chuan University to view our teaching facilities, and take part in classroom observation.
@MSCHE Consultation Visit
by Kuang-Yi Chen
In order to speed up being awarded approval for MSCHE Accreditation, MSCHE consultants to Ming Chuan. Mr. David Hollowell and Dr. Karen Froslid Jones, will arrive at MCU on the evening of April 6. Their role during this visit is to advise the Overseas Accreditation Steering Committee members on the Self-study Design and Research Questions.
Owing to the culture gap between Eastern and Western thinking, many research questions originally proposed by the six Working Groups were more descriptive and less analytical. The western model for self-study expects more critical self-evaluation than is customary among many here in Taiwan. Through this consultation, Working Groups will be able to identify not just where the strengths and weaknesses of the institution are, but also make their responses more analytical and plans for adjustment more quantifiable. This will assist us in meeting the requirements of the U.S. university accreditation with MSCHE; moreover, the depth of analysis will further improve our institution.
@Application Open for 2009-10 Teacher Ed Program
translated by Janet Chao
Students can apply for the Teacher Ed Program online through the Student Information Network (Student System) before 12:00 noon on 4/6. Though supply for secondary school teachers is greater than demand in recent years, this is a lifetime learning era. Moreover, enterprises need talented people to advance training in their companies. Thus, having an additional professional certification is something you can build up for yourself. Through the years, MCU students who passed the licensure exam, scored above average. We invite you to take the challenge!
@Reading Good Books with the English Reading Enrichment Program
translated by Janet Chao
The English Reading Enrichment Program in Taipei and Taoyuan campuses invites students who are interested in reading English books to join the program. Those who participate will have a priority to borrow from 500 titles of English fiction and have an opportunity to win a gift when more than three books are read. Moreover, the English Language Center will hold two seminars regarding reading enrichment. Please contact the ELC for details.
@MCU Graduate Student Achieves Full Score on TOEIC
translated by Janet Chao
Kristina Karvelyte, from Lithuania, a first-year student of MCU’s Graduate School of Communications Management, received a full score of 990 points on the commercial English proficiency test, TOEIC. She mentioned that besides the efforts she has put on in learning English, she is also grateful of help received from the university and the environment where she must use English in communication.
@New Rewards for Cooperation, Innovation and Competition
translated by Janet Chao
New procedures were implemented to increase academic-industry cooperation outcomes, to enhance students’ employment capacities and to encourage individual faculty members to participate in national competitions.
At the Administrative Council Meeting on February 16, two new procedures were adopted to enhance teaching quality, to strengthen professional cultivation, and to encourage individual faculty members to participate in national competitions. The highest prize is 60,000 NTD. Interested individuals should apply before the end of October every year.
If a faculty member wins a contract with government or private institutions and the amount is above 120,000 NTD, the faculty member can regularly apply for an allowance that is based on five percent of the total amount of the contract. The proposal should be made within two months after school starts each semester.
Students will be able to apply for the innovative works reward if their works have been approved by government or private institutions. Each student can apply only once every semester and rewards of up to 10,000 NTD will be given each time. If students win a competition held by the government, they will be able to receive up to half of the material fees. Applications can be made in March and October every year.
@IC students in International Leadership Conference
by Kenton X. Chance
Seven International College (IC) students were among representatives of 16 countries to attend the two-day 2008 Asia-Pacific International Leadership Conference at the Grand Hotel during the winter break.
The event was organized by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), under the theme “Towards a New Paradigm of Leadership and Good Governance for the Development and Peace in the Asia-Pacific”.
Speakers included Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and Dr. Thomas Walsh, Secretary General, UPF International.
IC Students Attend Cultural Trip International College (IC) students from both the Jihe and Taoyuan Campuses participated in a two-day culture trip to central Taiwan organised by the IC Office during the winter break. The students visited Sun Moon Lake, the earthquake museum and, among other places, the Aboriginal Culture Village. (by Kenton)
@Remembering Founder Pao – Life of Love
translated by Florrie Lin
Ming Chuan Founder, Dr. Pao passed away at 9:50am on February 1, 2009 at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The funeral was held on February 21, 2009 in the Sun Yat Sen Auditorium. President Ma, representatives of the government, the KMT and numerous others paid their respects and offered condolences to the family.
The ceremony was solemn, with many current and retired faculty and staff members, students, alumni and friends all paying their homage and respect.
The appreciation in everyone’s hearts for Founder Pao, who embodied the history of Ming Chuan as she passed away at age 103, was evident in each aspect of the ceremony.
On the 52nd birthday of Ming Chuan University, Ms Lu, Ming-Chu, Chairman of the Board of the Alumni Association will donate 1,030,000 NTD to initiate the “Pao, Teh-Ming Memorial Fund.”
As a show of gratitude for the educational cultivation of our founder, Dr. Pao and to spread the conviction of “attending to all students with parental care, support, and guidance,” this fund will be used to provide the living expenses of students at MCU to relieve financial burden. Moreover, recipients are encouraged to participate in community service as a response of gratitude to the donors by serving others.
Chairman of the Alumni Association Taoyuan Branch, Huang, Wan-ju, will hold a Blood Drive on Taoyuan campus. To encourage faculty and staff members, students and alumni to participate in the Blood Drive, the hosts have prepared 500 saplings as tokens.
@Additional fee due on April 13
by Kenton X. Chance
Students who enrolled in teacher education, language courses, and computer courses must pay additional fees in accordance with the Course Selection Handbook. Students in the Master's (Program) Executive Class Section who have completed adding or dropping courses must pay Credit Hour Tuition or receive a refund for tuition already paid.
Payments must be made before April 13, 2009 through the Taipei Fubon Bank, the post office, via Internet transfer or credit card. Refunds will be transferred directly to student’s bank account on April 13, 2009. Students who are entitled to refunds should input or confirm their account number online before April 6, 2009.
Those who do not pay their fees within the stipulated period will be seen as having dropped the course and grades will not be issued for the semester. Fee Adjustment Data may be viewed by logging into the Student Information Network from April 6, 2009. Any questions may be addressed to the Bursar (Ext: 2250).
@Jihe students to mark Earth Day
by Kenton X. Chance
International College (IC) students at the Jihe Complex taking the Environmental Issues course this semester will mark Earth Day on April 22 with a two-week poster display in J313.
Course lecturer Joan Zamora told MCU Weekly that the students will use their posters to highlight and suggest solutions for an environmental problem in their home country. The posters will form part of the course assessment.
She says the course employs several media, including film, newspaper, book and articles and to expose students to contemporary environmental issues.
The posters will be on display from April 13 to 24.
@Students show skills at ICES sports meet
International College students at the Jihe complex got a chance to display their sporting abilities during a keenly contested three-skill competition on March 22.
The event, organized by the International Cultural Exchange Society (ICES), saw students competing for NT$1000 first prizes, balls, certificates, and boasting rights in volleyball, soccer and basketball competitions, respectively.
ICES president Andy William said the event was a successful. “I had a great feeling before the event that a lot of Taipei IC students will come to this event and it happened. A lot of people came to play and to support the participants. The event was fun, challenging, and fair,” he said. (by Kenton)
社 團 集 錦
社團 call-in ●桃園校區 ■台北校區
本週四(4/9)為轉聯會,夥伴們聯合家聚的日子唷!活動集合時間為晚上六點十五分在地下道的校門口集合,歡迎要參加的夥伴,請速聯絡各家族家長。 (炎珊)
攝影社社課將於本週三(4/1)晚上6:00於M302教室,進行外拍作品分享與檢討,透過此次難得彼此交流的機會,得知他人對自己作品的看法,也見識其餘攝影同好的作品! (巧玲)
布利歐管樂團現在熱烈招生!只要對管樂有興趣,不論是否曾經學過,管樂社都歡迎大家週一、三,晚上6:00~9:30到體育一館舞台參觀團練,或者到體育一館2樓管樂社社辦洽詢,管樂社將熱情的招待。此外,管樂社將於5/1(五)母親節舉行音樂會,請預留時來欣賞。歡迎有興趣的同學,請洽社長:小巨人 0953370001。 (志偉)
週一(3/30)信望愛社的社課主題為「信望愛大戲院-天堂小畫家?,由孫碧珠講師主持,請大家務必於晚上7:00至S109教室,一同參與探討這堂有趣的社課唷! (巧玲)
想明白他/她的心嗎?手語社來幫忙你!!! 用手語表情意,本週二(3/31)六點半至八點半,在S210教室,手語社將教授許茹芸和阿穆隆合唱的「男人女人」。給自己一個機會,了解彼此的心意! (泓瑋)
想要在炎炎夏日中,盡情運動卻不用汗流浹背,桌球社正是你最佳的選擇,桌球社社課於每週三晚間七點開始,歡迎有興趣揮拍對峙的同學來參加,一同切磋球技,共同乒乓大學青春歲月。 (雅惠)
登山社於週三到五(4/1-4/3)要去合歡山,每年四至五月,是上合歡山賞高山杜鵑的好時節,快和登山社一同享受登山及搭帳棚露營的樂趣囉!本週三(4/1)晚上6:10在登山社社辦集合,大夥一起搭夜車南下,這兩天兩夜的郊遊可別錯過。 (怡岑)
最近運氣不順遂嗎?易研社將在本週二(3/31)於B103舉辦「開運彩妝」活動,教你春季最旺的彩妝資訊,歡迎愛美的同學踴躍前往參加。 (棠詠)
台北校區、基河校區有畢業生還需購買98級畢業紀念冊的同學,請盡速與台北畢聯會聯繫,或上官網留言板留言。 (雅婷)