The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) has appointed eight members to the evaluation team scheduled to conduct a site visit in Taiwan from April 10 through April 13, 2016. Prior to their arrival in Taiwan, these peer accreditors will have thoroughly reviewed Ming Chuan University’s 2016 Self-Study Report, a 120-page document submitted to the team and MSCHE on February 22. This Institutional Self-Study Report provides a comprehensive view of the processes and policies of Ming Chuan University, using a model based on the fourteen standards found in the Handbook of Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education. This document reflects the involvement of many people from all units of the University. The individuals who participated on the Steering Committee and in the Working Groups developed a team spirit about the process, resulting in this document, and anticipate its importance in moving the University forward. The self-study process at Ming Chuan University has strengthened the vision and spirit of Ming Chuan University. It has brought all units of the University together to focus on their common mission and goals. Several significant planning documents have aided this process of directing the University in affirming and evaluating its sense of the value and purpose of the University: the Strategic Plan, the Campus Master Plan, and master strategic plans for Assessment, Human Resources, Finance, IT and the Library all reflect the blend of the strengths and ideas of education in the East with the outcome-based objectives of the West. During interviews to be scheduled on Monday April 11 and Tuesday April 12 on Taipei and Taoyuan campuses, team members will be confirming that Ming Chuan’s operations and outcomes do indeed position the institution to attain its stated educational mission now and into the near future.