
【904Enews】Angel is Josuane’s best friend at MCU

by Florrie Lin he Awards Ceremony for “My Best Friend at MCU” English Composition Competition was held last Monday. First Prize went to IBT student Josuane Edwards, who was awarded a certificate and 5,000 NTD by President Lee. Edwards wrote about her good friend, Angel, who invited her to enjoy Chinese New Year with her family. Josuane said that Taiwan students are very friendly and all MCU classmates are her friends. Her best friend, Angel, also attended the ceremony to share this honor with her and joined a photo with President Lee and Josuane. “My Best Friend at MCU” English Composition Competition was held by MC Magazine and Promoting Teaching Excellence Program Office. A total of 35 international students submitted their works (including international, Mainland China, Overseas Chinese Students). The host unit invited Ms. LeAnn Eyerman and Dr. Chien-Ling Su to be the judges. One 1st Prize and 8 Honorable Mentions were given (Please refer to the table at the right for details.). Those awarded works will be published in the 92nd edition of MC Magazine (released around mid-December). If you missed the competition this time, you still have the chance to participate in English Prose or English Poetry in the MCU Literary and Arts Awards.
