
【854Enews】AMCU summer study program enriches your summer

by Sandra Chen “AMCU Summer Study Program” organized by AMCU and University Extension Division is now beginning. This year, two general education courses, “Introduction to American Culture” and “Interpersonal Relations,” will be offered. AMCU certificate of credits will be issued to students who complete these courses. The certificate may be used to waive on-campus general education credits. This program provides a super option for arranging your summer learning plan. The Executive Director of University Extension Division, Dr. Chen, Jen-Shyang, indicates that this summer study program will take place at AMCU and students’ housing will be arranged in SVSU student dormitories so that they can experience the learning atmosphere of an American campus. Meanwhile, with the 3-week/72-hour course arrangement; students may acquire general education knowledge, enhance their language ability and earn 4 credits at the same time. The departure date for this summer study program is July 13th, returning to Taiwan on August 8th. This 4-week study program includes 3 weeks of courses and an eastern United States cultural trip, visiting famous cities including Toronto, Boston, Washington, and New York City; campus tour of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and enjoying famous spots like Niagara Falls, United States Capitol, Lincoln Memorial and Empire State Building to experience the beauty of North American culture. For detailed information about this study program, please contact MCU University Extension Division.
