
【771專欄】銘傳在高教評鑑的成果/MCU Accreditation Results

銘傳大學於2009年,在受評的八所公私立大學266個系所共455個班制中,本校共有49系所受評,通過48系所,1所待觀察,獲得北台灣綜合大學第一,整體評鑑成績非常亮麗,在教學卓越計畫評鑑,更是連續多年因評鑑績優而獲得高額補助。另外,98年中程校務發展計畫評鑑,亦榮獲1億561萬,也創近三年新猷 。此外,本校之資工系(所)、資傳系(所)、電子系、電通系、生科系(所)、醫工系、建築學系(所)等皆已陸續通過中華工程教育學會Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan(簡稱IEET)認證 。這些亮麗的評鑑成績,再次印證本校整體教學特色、教育品質、校務發展等方面,已獲得國內外教育評鑑的一致肯定。 In Spring 2009, Ming Chuan and seven other universities, national and private, consisting of 266 departments and 455 classes, were evaluated by HEEACT. A total of 49 programs at Ming Chuan were evaluated and 48 of them passed, leaving only one, a doctoral program, on the observation list. Based on the evaluation results, Ming Chuan University was ranked first out of all the universities in the north of Taiwan. The overall evaluation results were excellent. In addition, we have obtained a substantial amount of subsidies for our outstanding performance in the Teaching Excellence Project. We received 105 million NT dollars in the 2009 Mid-range University Development Plan evaluation. In addition, the Department of Information Engineering, the Department of Information and Telecommunications Engineering, the Department of Electronic Engineering, the Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, the Department of Biotechnology, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Department of Architecture were also accredited by the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET). These excellent achievements once again confirm that Ming Chuan University’s overall teaching characteristics, quality of education, school development, etc., have been unanimously endorsed by domestic and foreign educational evaluation organizations.
