
【915Enews】Alumni Global Reunion this July in New York

by Florrie Lin Ming Chuan Alumni will happily reunite their hands and hearts at a reunion to be held this summer in New York. The 3rd Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion will be held by Eastern U.S. (New York) Alumni Association from July 10 to 12 at Flushing Hotel. President Lee will meet all MCU alumni from the world in New York. MCU alumni will depart from Taipei on July 9th to attend the Welcome Party on the evening of July 10th. A cruise tour of Manhattan, Empire State Building and other NYC spots is up for July 11th. The 3rd Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion will be held on the evening of July 11th and participants will embark on a 6-day trip around the eastern United States from July 12th. The delegation will return to Taipei on July 19th. Xuan-Yi Lin, the Chairman of Eastern U.S. (New York) Alumni Association welcomes all MCU alumni join the 3rd Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion in New York. Please contact Chang, Jung-Nung, Section Chief of Alumni Relations Section at 02-28824564 Ext. 2270 for registration. Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion is the warmest and grandest event. The 1st Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion was held by Southern California Alumni Association in Los Angeles in 2009(as shown in the picture below), and the 2nd Ming Chuan Alumni Global Reunion was held by MCU Alumni Association Headquarters in 2012.
