■Course Registration fro Spring 2012 Begins Course registration fro Spring 2012 begins today (12/5) at 12:30 p.m. starting with the graduating senior students. All other students should register during the assigned registration time. For lost passwords and other problems with the course registration system, please contact the Curriculum Section on Taipei campus or the Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section. Additional information regarding course registration schedule and process are available on the Academic Affairs Division’s website. ■University Dropout Policy According to the statistics provided by the Academic Affairs Division, there are 3,567 students who have not performed well in their midterm exams. Ming Chuan strictly obeys the educational spirit in order to maintain the educational quality of the university. Therefore, students are reminded to be fully aware of the university dropout policy. Students will be expelled from the university if they have failed two thirds of their total course credits for one semester or failed half of their total course credits for two cumulative semesters (consecutive or non-consecutive). ■Christmas Party Coming Up Soon! The Student Governance Association on Taoyuan campus will hold a great Christmas party on 12/22 (Thursday) at the Badminton Court on the first floor of the Physical Education Building I. Students who have paid the student association fees may get a free ticket from 12/7 to12/21 starting at 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Please go to the office of Student Governance Association located on the fourth floor of the Physical Education Building I to get tickets now! First come, first served!
