財金系/jasmine 銘傳一週800期快樂~~看銘傳一週可以和學校活動接軌,很感謝學校有這種週刊喔! 應英系/咖哩 學生不可或缺的寶典!朝向嶄新的目標出發吧! 應日系/莎拉飯 MUC weekly HAPPY BIRTHDAY 應中系校友/WISH 哇哇,每週必看的銘傳一週居然已經發行到第800期了!在100年迎向一個有「百」的期數相當值得紀念,祝福銘傳一週越來越茁壯,小記者越來越多,迎向1千期吧!*^^* 資傳系/冰冰 拿著銘傳一週,看著校園新鮮事,從797-798-799,哇!800要到了。不知道800期有什麼令人驚奇的內容? 總之,銘傳一週800期生日快樂唷! 都防系/小藍 800期就如同800壯士般有著不死的卓越精神,生日快樂! 應英所校友/Emily wang MCU weekly brings me with great memories throughout my university life. Every Monday, I am very happy because I can get the latest issue of it. As a bilingual reporter of MCU weekly, I learn much more than what I can expected. Teachers in the news club are so nice to me, I always feel highly appreciated for their devoted help. MCU weekly provides different kinds of news for me which has taken place or is going to happen around the campus. For students of MCU, it is an inevitable resource for our daily life. I like MCU weekly so much, hoping that in the near future, it will become a well-known brand of news and media in Taiwan! Congratulations to MCU weekly for its issue 800.
