
【771專欄】參加美國認證的目的與助益/Aim and Benefits of U.S. Accreditation

具體而言,選擇參加美國高等教育評鑑,對我校最重要的目的在於: In particular, the choice to participate in American higher education accreditation is due to the following reasons: 確保品質(Assuring quality): 當大學或機構獲得認可地位時,就代表其教師素質、行政運作、課程設計與教學、學生服務、圖書資源等,已符合認可最低標準。 When a university or institution receives recognition, it assures that the school has complied with an accepted standard in regard to the quality of its teachers, administrative operations, curriculum design and teaching, student services, library resources, etc. 讓入學的外國學生,取得聯邦政府貸款基本資格(Allowing American students to obtain basic qualifications for federal loans): 長期以來,美國聯邦政府與認可機構,維持著相當良好的合作關係,包括學生貸款以及相關聯邦補助方案,均規定申請機構必須獲得認可資格。意味著我校學生具有取得聯邦政府經費補助基本資格。 Over the years, the U.S. federal government and accreditation associations have maintained very good cooperative relations. Institutions that wish to apply for student loans and related federal assistance programs are required to obtain accreditation first. Therefore, obtaining recognition means that students are allowed to obtain basic qualifications for federal grant funding. 簡化學生轉學的學分轉換作業認可(Simplifying the process of transferring student credits): 學生在已經獲得認可機構或學程所修讀的學分,在其轉學時,除被視為具備應有品質外,亦可承認其學分,簡化了學生在轉學時所需的轉化作業。 When the quality of credits can be recognized, it helps to simplify the transfer of credits when students move from one school to another. 贏得企業雇主信心(Winning the confidence of employers): 機構或學程獲得認可地位,是企業雇主在遴選員工時重要的參考依據,同時也是企業決定提供員工在職專業進修學費補助的重要基準。 When employers select their employees, one important frame of reference is whether the potential employee’s institution received recognition or accreditation. It is also an important benchmark taht industries use to provide tuition subsidies for professional training.
