
【771專欄】選擇加入美國高等評鑑的緣由/Reason for Seeking U.S. Accreditation

總括來說,國內評鑑的結果,證實本校近年教學品質已有長足進步,更代表學校的治理,在教學方面已經合乎品質保證的發展方向。但是,我們並不以此為滿足,因為唯有透過國際的評鑑制度,才可以展現我校優良的教育品質,擴展本校在國際間的知名度,以吸引國際的優秀人才前來本校就讀,提升本校的國際競爭力。而在考量台灣與現今高等教育的發展方向後,發現各國教育無不以美國為馬首是瞻,台灣的各項教育體制與政策,也是跟隨美國的腳步前進,所以銘傳大學決定選擇美國高等教育的認可制度,作為我校在國際高等教育品質保證的依據。 In sum, the results of our evaluation confirm that the quality of our education has shown great progress in recent years. It also shows that our teaching has reached a high level of quality. But we are still not satisfied: it is only through an international evaluation system that we can present our excellent educational accomplishments, expand the University's international reputation to attract talented individuals from around the world to study at our school, and enhance the university's international competitiveness. By considering higher education in Taiwan and the current direction of its development, we found that education systems world-wide invariably follow the lead of the United States. Taiwan is no exception; thus, Ming Chuan University has decided to choose American higher education accreditation as a basis to assure our status as a premier international university.
