

早安!午安!晚安!今天吃飽了嗎? 哪個是那念念不忘的校園學餐口袋名單呢? 由銘傳網路電視台主辦的「創視獎」-校園學餐開箱影片,等大家來挑戰,需用MP4檔拍攝1-2分鐘的學餐飲食品項,傳達各校園銘傳美食懶人包,更有最高3萬元獎金等你來挑戰!3/8(一)收件截止,詳情洽【銘傳網路電視台】粉專。
Ming Chuan Procedures for “Innovative Video Awards” Creative Image Design Competition
This Year’s Theme: Unboxing Ming Chuan Student Cafeteria Creative Image Competition
All participants can show their creativity through the five basic senses (sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch); they can freely choose from among the food items available in any MCU student cafeteria to create their work, and are encouraged to consider a creative mix (cross-campus, cross-vendor and cross-item. Convene a group of Ming Chuan people to create a visual party through their enjoyment of the tasty foods via images; inspire memories and emotions of flavors to shoot images of Ming Chuan’s creative taste.
All MCU students are eligible to register for the contest.
Submission: From November 16, 2020 to 23:59 on March 8, 2021
More information: http://nettv.mcu.edu.tw/creative/Default