
International Affairs and Diplomacy Program of International College Implemented Mosaic Taiwan 2019

Mosaic Taiwan 2019 was organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by International Affairs and Diplomacy Program of MCU’s International College from June 10 to 21, 2019. With the opening ceremony held at Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 11, a total of 29 talents from America and Canada participated in this event.

Dr. Chen, Wei-Hwa, Director of International Affairs and Diplomacy Program stated that MCU students continuously have opportunities to learn about international affairs and foreign affairs through implementing NGO International Talents Training Course, NGO100 Program, International Youth Ambassadors Exchange Program, and Mosaic Taiwan in recent years.

Mosaic Taiwan comprised 2 weeks of training through special topic lectures, institution visits, and culture experience activities. Participants also visited innovation industries such as New Agriculture Industry and Smart Machinery Industry. Moreover, the event promoted cultural understanding and friendships between participants and Taiwanese youth.