◎APEC教育論壇 台灣首辦在銘傳
全球13國教育部官員與學者專家 12/4-5齊聚本校逸仙堂
全球化及國際化的時代,知識與文化的交流相當重要, 2004年於智利舉行的「APEC教育部長會議」中,決議以語言教學和學習研究為研討會主題之一。為落實這項決議,本週二、三(12/4-5)於本校逸仙堂,特由我國和智利教育部主辦、本校承辦「2007年APEC教育網路專案:關於語言標準與評估專題研究計畫研討會」,將有來自國內、智利、美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、韓國、祕魯、汶萊、香港、泰國、菲律賓、印尼及越南等國的教育部官員和大學專家學者與會。
◎姐妹校 南卡羅來納 蘭實大學 蒞訪 萬芳醫院來取經
國際姐妹學校美國南卡羅來納大學(Universityof South Carolina)國際事務處副處長Patricia Willer與Jennifer Enge l2人,今天(12/3)蒞臨本校參訪,期與本校商討更多合作方案,如明年暑期選送學生赴該校短期海外留學計畫。兩校自2006年4月簽署合作協議書後,目前本校已選派2名優秀學生至該校參與交換學生計畫,應英系碩士班畢業生亦已申請至該校攻讀教育博士學位,並獲州立學生學費減免之優惠。
本校與泰國蘭實大學於2005年7月簽訂學術交流協議書,兩校積極促成教職員生訪問交換,以提升學術成就。該校商學院院長Dr. PhongphatRakarom為促進兩校學術研究和經驗交流,將率領師長代表及MBA學生共26人於週三(12/5)拜訪本校基河校區管理學院。蘭實大學此行目的,在提供該校MBA學生學習相關企業經營管理或台灣、東南亞地區貿易發展等議題,屆時將由管理學院教授胡秀華作一場「Management Education In Taiwan」專題講座,並與管院老師進行意見交流。
◎菁英海外留學說明會 出國留學跨大步
你覺得自己英文好到無用武之地?想讓大學平淡無奇的生活多點冒險色彩?提早一圓留學夢嗎?如果你符合上述條件,加入「Study Abroad 菁英海外留學計畫」成為國外交換生或取得國內外雙學位是一個大好機會。由國際教育交流處主辦的海外留學計畫說明會(Study Abroad Seminar)即將登場,時間地點兩校區擴大說明會桃園為12/12(三)中午於P102、台北為12/13(四)中午於F201開講,敬請準時出席。
國教處表示,海外留學計畫申請條件為本校在學學生、歷年學業成績總平均75分以上、托福新制電腦測驗(TOEFL-iBT) 79分以上,或國際英語測驗(IELTS) 6.0以上(申請赴韓交換計畫,無須提供英語能力證明)。申請資料文件與相關訊息均可至國教處網頁/出國留學計畫查詢,或email至ivy@mcu.edu.tw。有意出國留學的同學,可得利用時間增強英文實力,以達到英文能力檢定規定。
◎ 學校為你做什麼 系列報導之8
文藝季 讓兩校區漾溢多元藝術
◎六百萬獎助學金 你上榜了嗎?
◎應日林伶 入圍全國大專日語演講決賽圈
◎法律學院 週五探討勞基法
王淇郎老師 文化創意商品展
English News
English News Summary
Student Scholarship Distributed
This year, a total of 904 students were awarded scholarships amounting to NT$6,010,700. The funds will be transferred into the recipients’ Taipei Fubon MCU Card accounts. The recipients are reminded to check online that all information is correct, including their bank account numbers. If there are any mistakes, please contact the Bursar on Taipei campus or the Taoyuan General Affairs Section.
MCU Students in Cookery Competition
The LienChiang County Government held the 2007 Matsu Cookery Competition on November 25th where contestants showed their exquisite and creative cooking. Students from our Tourism Department also participated and won the first prize in the competition. In addition, an alumnus of the Educational Psychology and Counseling Department, Ren-Yi Chen, also took the third place in the cooking creativity category of the competition.
Final Round of Relay Race
After the fierce competition of the Freshmen Cup, the departmental sports competitions have just begun. The final round of the relay race will be held this Friday (12/7) from noon to 2 p.m. on the Athletic Field, Taoyuan campus. The race will be postponed if the weather is rainy. All faculty and students are welcome to cheer on the athletes. In addition, the 30 people-31 feet competition is coming soon! Please sign up by next Wednesday (12/19).
不丹 果然是樂國
他困惑地搖搖頭,丟下這一句話就走遠了。“What’s more?”(你到底還想怎樣?)我一時楞住!卻終身難忘!
Preface-A Paradise Indeed!
Since I was child﹐I have longed for a simple yet enriched life﹒I sought for a kingdom embraced by mountains﹐the Shangri-La with a peaceful and joyful atmosphere﹐a paradise devoid of troubles and tensions﹒It seemed to be a world that only existed in dream﹒As time went by﹐my dream finally came true while I turned 72 after having visited more than eighty countries﹒
Nestled in a corner of the world﹐Bhutan welcomes people with its ancient look﹒Its sincerity﹐warmth and friendly atmosphere are irresistible﹒That is absolutely an enchanting surprise!
‘Here in this country we are all happy﹐because we are rich!’ Clad in traditional Bhutanese clothes﹐which are very similar to the ancient Chinese costume﹐a taxi driver joyfully drove his old car and said to me with a confident smile﹐“We have the clear sky﹐enough sunshine﹐breath-taking mountains﹐and sustaining earth﹒We have jobs﹐house﹐and families﹒Certainly﹐we Bhutanese are happy﹒”
The driver’s remarks﹐terse yet powerful﹐were like a flash of lightning! It reminded me of an episode of 20 years age﹐while I was trying to cross over the Colorado River in Grand Canyon﹒I was so exhausted and sat next to my painting﹒A young man walked by and encouraged me to go on﹒Before I finished my work﹐I was amazed to see him return﹐“Why were you in such a hurry? Did you arrive at the camp site in the valley? ”Puzzled by my query﹐“Of course! I did reach my destination﹐took a rest﹐and had some water﹒What else did I wait for? ”Shaking his head﹐he walked away and murmured﹐“What’s more?”
Yes﹐he was right! What else would one pursue?
Eventually﹐I had a chance to visit Bhutan﹒I observed its simple but enriching lifestyle and its people﹐who always appeared contented and grateful﹒They seemed unlikely to fall prey to desire or greed ﹐and thus always were free vanity﹒The Bhutanese enjoy a relaxing and self-assured life﹒They live in the freshest air﹐ work on the purest earth﹐and enjoy the most wholesome harvests﹒As almost everyone aspires to honesty and the perfection of morality﹐it is not surprising that they are cultivated toward its pristine﹐natural state﹒
What can the see but beauty?
What can they feel but loving kindness?
On this blessed land﹐one hears the sounds of sheep﹐cows﹐and birds﹐as well as the melody of little brooks﹒One breathes the air among forest﹐drinks from streams or the morning dews﹐and lives in a harmony with the seasonal turning﹒When one understands the messages of nature and feels its inspirations﹐all other civilized discourses may seem contrived and simply unnecessary﹒
Modern people tend not to walk﹐nor move without a cat﹐neither eat food without artificial flavors﹒The Bhutanese know how to live in accord and are satisfied with nature﹒When the sun rises﹐they start to work﹐and rest at dusk﹒A sample meal with dried rice and cheese would be sufficient﹒Be it summer or winter﹐they walk through valleys﹐climb desolate mountains﹐and overcome chasms and cliffs﹐constantly challenging the limit of physical strength﹐and become as strong as iron﹒No wonder free medical services and hospital are available but rarely used﹒
Free education is provided and learning is encouraged﹒Teachers are rotated regularly to ensure an equal for all﹒For a higher education abroad﹐a financial support is granted﹒Other staying amid the forest and working on farms are also respected﹒His Majesty rules the kingdom with love﹐wisdom﹐kindness and responsibility﹐while his people are honest and contented in return﹒Isn’t this a Utopian people longing for? It is indeed a paradise for Bhutanese!
In Bhutan﹐I was used to staying with people of open minds﹐kind hearts and mutual trust﹒I could also keep my heart wide open﹒I felt my whole being was“restored”to its long-forgotten﹐primordial pure state﹒
While many experts in the world tend to judge a nation by its economic development﹐Bhutan becomes a precious role model that challenges general value on wealth and happiness﹒Although most Bhutanese live in simplicity﹐they are endowed with a spiritual Wealth﹒
Some people may think that true happiness comes when one possesses both spiritual and material ampleness﹒What if﹐however﹐one cannot have both? I would prefer the way of living!
Back to Taipei﹐I can still recall the warmth﹐sincerity﹐and generosity of the Bhutanese﹒I could not help feeling sad as I saw some visitors to the kingdom failed to respect it and took advantage of the kindness of its people who never harbor any negative thoughts but are patient﹐candid and tender-hearted﹒This is a priceless pure land that deserves our utmost appreciation﹒
I would like to thank Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan for her encouragement to undertake this publication﹒This project would not be possible without Yandey and YDF(Youth Development Fund)﹐as well as their invitation and support﹐the timely help of Fong-Pei Chen﹐my daughter-in-law﹐and her Bhutanese friends﹐and also the generosity of the Bhutanese who shared their wonderland with me﹒I am very grateful for the encouragement of the editors from San Min Book Co., Ltd﹒Lastly﹐I am Obliged to Cherrie Corey﹐Ming-Chien﹐my daughter﹐and Fong-Pei for their assistance with the English translation﹒
I dedicate this book to a future appreciation and respect for the distinguished qualities of Bhutan﹒May whoever resonates with Bhutan’s integrity and purity also savor its unbeatable natural beauty as well as the invisible power of its noble spirit﹒
茲以資工系某門課程為例:完成本課程的同學將可以展示下列的能力:1.能夠寫出XML的特色,以及其與HTML的差異。2.能夠應用DTD描述文件的結構,並據以寫出一份合乎該結構的XML文件。3.能夠運用以下XML相關技術進行XML文件的各項基本處理:3.1 能夠運用Javascript、JAVA語言進行一份XML文件的驗證。3.2 能夠運用Javascript、JAVA語言進行一份XML文件的載入與儲存。3.3 能夠運用Javascript、JAVA語言進行一份XML文件內容的新增、修改與刪除。3.4 能夠運用Javascript、JAVA語言進行一份XML文件的資料查詢。3.5 能夠運用Javascript、JAVA語言進行一份XML文件的轉換(例如轉成HTML)。4.能夠運用XML技術在WWW上開發一簡易的應用系統 。
International Language Assessment Scholars Convene at MCU
Standards for Language Learning is the theme of a seminar being hosted by Ming Chuan University December 3-5.
Scholars and policy makers from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Hong Kong-China, Indonesia, Korea, New Zealand, Peru, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, USA and Vietnam will be presenting research and case studies at the “Seminar on Standards for English and Other Foreign Languages in APEC Economies” during Tuesday and Wednesday’s program.
Sponsored by the Ministries of Education in Chile and Chinese Taipei, with additional funding from APEC, this research-oriented seminar is being hosted by MCU in the Sun Yat Sen Auditorium on the Taipei Campus.
The program features keynote research presentations by Dr. Angel Lin of The City University of Hong Kong, Dr. David Ingram of the University of Melbourne, Dr. Gary Buck of the University of Michigan, and Dr. Mark Moulton of Educational Data Systems.
Case studies on setting language standards and teacher accreditation will be presented by representatives of Chile, Indonesia, Korea, New Zealand, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
On the first afternoon of the seminar, participants will be treated to an educational tour, observing language programs and facilities at Wu-Ling Senior High School in Taoyuan County and MCU.
A Welcome Banquet starts off the event, being hosted at the Ambassador Hotel by Dr. Chin-sheng Chang, Director General of the Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations at the Ministry of Education. Later on Wednesday evening, December 5, all seminar participants will be treated to a Farewell Banquet at the Grand Formosa Regent.
The seminar is a special feature of a project that Chile and Chinese Taipei are co-leading under the auspices of the Education Network (EDNET) in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The project, APEC Learning Standards for English and Other Foreign Languages, is a primary vehicle for cooperating governments to carry forward the strategic direction of APEC Ministers of Education, as set at their last meeting in 2004.
Results from the project will form the basis of setting new direction and strategies at the 2008 APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, to be held in Peru.
In addition to the keynote research and case study presentations, a background research paper has also been prepared for the seminar by Dr. Howard Chen and Dr. Shin-Ying Huang of National Taiwan Normal University, and Dr. Paul Sinclair and Ms. LeAnn Eyerman of Ming Chuan University. This paper comprises an overview of frameworks and instruments used for language assessment, including English and other foreign languages. The paper also includes an analysis of results from a survey conducted among APEC economies over the past four months, covering current policies and practices in regard to foreign language curriculum, standards, assessment, teacher training and licensing.
Literary Prizes on December 28
Translated by Kenton Chance
The tension will end on December 28 with the announcement of winners in the 19th MCU Literary and Photography competition. The prize giving ceremony starts off at 9:30 a.m. that day in the Large Conference Room on the Taipei Campus. Prizes will be given to winners in the various categories of the competition.
There will also be a mini photography exhibition, offering an opportunity for the school population to examine some of the entries. Students who are able to correctly predicdt the winners will be eligible to participate in a draw for two high-re solution digital cameras.
This year’s ceremony promises lots of excitement, since more entries have resulted in a greater level of competition.
There were some 3,000 entries into the competition, a new record. There were 45 Chinese novels and 76 prose pieces with 9 English prose compositions, 18 pieces of poetry, 297 modern Chinese poems, 130 classical poetry pieces, and 2,424 photographic entries.
All are welcomed to witness the prize-awarding ceremony.
Shaking It Up at the Coke-drinking Competition
by Eva Wai
The fun began as students flocked to the indoor basketball court, eager to enter the Coke competition. This year’s competition was held on November 2 at noon. Students from various majors formed groups to participate in the exciting event. Officials and organizers were busy getting everyone into lines and preparing the stands.
A small dance performance, performed by the organizers themselves welcomed the students and brought a buzz to the atmosphere.
Organizer, Daniel Ambrose Lee, Sophomore HIM, said the preparation for this event took place two to three weeks prior to the competition and a lot had to be organized as it had to coincide with the same event being held on Taipei Campus.
“I am surprised by the amount of people who are taking part today; I didn’t expect there would be so many entries,” said Lee.
The annual event, which is held at Ming Chuan on both campuses, is always popular among the students. This year’s entries tallied up to 300 or so students.
Prizes were given out to the top three winning teams. Third place received six cans of coke and a voucher book valued at NT$100. Second place received 12 cans of coke and a book voucher valued at NT$300. First place received 24 cans of coke and a book voucher valued at NT$500, sponsored by Ming Chuan University and Coca-cola.
“I am very excited to be here, and I’m having a lot of fun; at the moment my team is making good time at 1 minute, 36 seconds.” said Klim Chen, Sophomore Tourism.
Klim added that he enjoys drinking Coke everyday, and that he hasn’t had enough Coke, but his team is finished for the day. He also noted that no one will beat his team.
Apart from the Coke drinking competition, there was also another activity which required teams of six to shake it up. They had one minute to shake, releasing all the energy they had, while being timed with a counter timer strapped to their ankles. The winning team won with 836 shakes, and each member received a Coca-cola backpack from the Coca-cola Company.
“I am happy that I took part, because it was very exciting. Next year I will definitely take part again. Even if I lose, I had a lot of fun drinking Coke,” said Zach Chu, freshman, ICIM.
Klim and his team members shouted out in victory, as the organizer announced this year’s winner for the Coke-drinking competition. Klim said he is proud and happy his team won.
Free Mandarin for IC students
by Kenton Chance
International College freshmen in Taipei this semester are receiving free Mandarin lessons, compliments of the Mandarin Studies and Cultural Center (MSCC).
The classes are the result of a request by El Salvadoran Mass Communication and Journalism student Mercedes Menjiva.
“Since I am going to be here in Taiwan for four years, I thought it was a good idea for international students to start learning (Chinese),” Menjiva told MCU weekly. Menjiva had first expressed her desire to learn Chinese to Class Advisor Huei-Ling Wu.
Wu accompanied her to the MSCC to communicate the student’s request. Wu explained that the MSCC’s timetable and that of the students did not match, but after further planning, it was agreed that a class would be offered this semester on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Selena Lin of the MSCC told MCWeekly that 20 students registered for the classes, which are initially being offered for one semester. Continuation will depend on students’ attendance, which she said has been fluctuating from week to week.
“Some people enroll, but because they don’t have to pay anything, they do not go to class,” Lin said.
Ms. Justina Fan, whom Wu described as “quite experienced already,” is teaching the Chinese course.
Fan, who also teaches Mandarin at National Taiwan Normal University, said the students will get lessons in pronunciation, speaking, dialogue, grammar and reading. She has been using 70% English to teach the course and will increase the amount of Mandarin used as the course progresses.
While she said that the students’ progress depends to a large extent on the teacher, Fan described her students as “very good, excellent, very smart.” She said the lessons will not be limited to the classroom, since she will accompany the students to restaurants and other places where they can practice the Mandarin they will learn.
Menjiva said that the classes were progressing well. And while at the time of the interview, the class was learning Mandarin phonetics, she said that her priority was to become “fluent in conversation and everything” and will focus on learning to read and write later.
Yasmin Tjondropurnomo is an International Business student of Chinese descent, born and raised in Indonesia. She can speak “just a little” Chinese and wants to improve her skills with her “ancestral language”.
“I want to speak really good Chinese so that I can build my communication with my family in China again,” she said. She said that she hoped, with time, to improve her Mandarin proficiency to the point that it can be an asset in improving her job prospects.
30 People ; 31Legs
Translated by Kenton Chance
The Department of Physical Education is organizing the annual Ming Chuan 31-Legged Race championship in an effort to promote cooporation and team spirit among students.
Participants in the event will have one of his or her legs tied to that of his or her teammate so that they run with three “legs”.
All students, regardless of department or level can participate as a class, club or other team representative.
Students can register with instructor Chou Li-qing at the Physical Education Office on the Taipei Campus or teacher Luo Wang-chi at the Taoyuan Campus Physical Education Office. Registration ends on December 19.
The registration sheet has two copies, one of which the participant must retain, and the other to be handed in to the Physical Education Office.
The competitions take place on the Taipei and Taoyuan campuses on December 21 at 12 noon on the outside track and field pitch. However, in case of rain, they will move to the gym in the F Building in Taipei and the 3rd floor of the gym in Taoyuan.
Students can register in teams of 32–16 males and 16 females–or teams of 22–11 males and 11 females. However, an individual can only be a member of one team. Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from further competition and male participants cannot be substituted for females.
The actual event will see 30 persons–15 male and 15 female–form a line and run 40 meters (30m if held inside) and teams of 20–10 male and 10 female–line up and run the same distance.
Students interested in these events may obtain more information from the Physical Education Office on.
Winning Team of Mini Cheerleading Contest: International College First Yr Tourism. L to R (top) George, Eunice, Tina, Tammy (bottom) Cindy, Cammy, Carrie (coach)
Foreigners Sample Taiwan’s Food
by Brnice Matthew
A large crowd of students, international and local alike, gathered at the Caesar Park Hotel in Taipei to participate in the first ever “Taiwan Fine Food Tasting Campaign”, organized by Corporate Synergy Development Center.
Among the invited guests, were foreign students from three top universities in Taiwan, such as Ming Chuan, Taiwan, and Taiwan Normal Universities.
All foreign participants were given the opportunity to taste all the Taiwanese foods (buffet style) and vote for the top ten delicious dishes. The dishes were divided into two categories: Snacks and Table Set Menu.
“I liked it,” said Kananji Msaka, a sophomore student majoring in International Business at the International College of Ming Chuan University. “But I thought it would have been creative food rather than foods you can find at the Night Markets.”
He said his favourite table set menu was the Buddah’s Delight, because it wasn’t like most Taiwanese soup. It was thick with flavor and an unusual taste.
‘It was pretty good,” said Toku who is Japanese and host of the Travel and Living Channel. “I met a lot of foreigners and journalists, which was a great experience.”
As a snack, Stinky Tofu was his favourite and Steamed Grouper was his top choice for Table Set Menu.
‘Oyster Omelet’ was voted first place for the snack category, while ‘Pearl Milk’ Tea came in second. As for the Table Set Menu, ‘Scrambled Egg with Dried Radish’ got first place, followed by ‘Sauteed Chicken Cubes with Dried Chili’ (Kung Pao chicken) and ‘Sauteed spring onion beef,’ which tied for second place.
Mass Comm Gets Hands-on
by Kenton Chance
Mass Communication and Journalism freshmen are being exposed to practical elements of the media, having visited three media houses in as many weeks.
The students visited Daai TV on October 26 as part of their Visual Communications course in a tour organized and conducted by MCU lecturer and Daai TV employee Victor Liu.
They received lessons on the production of television, radio and Internet content, and observed the filming of a television program. Other students had an opportunity to record Internet radio interviews with their classmates.
The following Friday, November 2, saw the students visiting ETTV for a brief tour that included a visit to the News Department. This was one of two tours organized by Journalism and Mass Comm Program Director, Walter Wang and Class Advisor Huei-Ling Wu, both of whom also accompanied the students.
The class visited China Times on November 9, where Public Relations and Marketing Manager Lisa Ying announced that www.chinatimes.com will “in the near future” invite MCU to be one of six schools to join the National Cheng Chi University and the Fu Jen Catholic University whose students generate information for the website’s “Student Channel”.
“We want our students to know not only something from the books but also something in the real world, especially our journalism students,” Director Wang told MCU Weekly. “They have to go to the media organizations and see how they are running the media,” he added, describing the trips as helpful and educational.
Wang further said that MCU’s newspaper, radio station and television station were also opportunities for students to get an early understanding of the media.
Meanwhile, Taiwanese student Emily Huang said the visit gave her an idea of the range of job options in the media, as she is considering a career in Public Relations.
“I think everything was special for me because it was the first time I went to see this place, and I now know what they are doing and how they function. I think it was a good opportunity to go there,” Huang said after the trip to China Times.
St. Kitts/Nevis student Kervin Lloyd described the trips as “… an effort to expose us as Mass Comm students to some outside education other than just the theory and whatever other practical we do inside the classroom…. to expose us to some in-the-field experience in the production of news, the production of television programs…”
Class Advisor Wu said that the School of Communication organized the visits because it thought it they would be useful for the students’ future learning.
“If necessary or useful for all of you, we will try to organize other trips; not only this kind but probably others as well,” she said.
每年必在全國校園掀起熱烈迴響的「新光理財新人王」網路投資理財競賽,為首創將股票、基金、定存、外匯、保險集結在一起的網路競賽遊戲,除了資產的成長之外,參賽者還必須將結婚、生子、購屋等一併列為思考與規劃的項目,是一項與真實生活非常雷同的智力挑戰。 (圖.文/林士元)
猜金牌獎 萬元相機送給你
文藝獎攝影比賽入圍作品將在文藝季中於兩校區同時展出,並舉辦預測金牌得主的活動,只要猜中金牌得主,就可以參加摸彩活動,主辦單位將在12/28(五)文藝獎頒獎典禮當天,由校長公開抽出兩位幸運得主,各可以獲得千萬畫素數位相機一台(市價萬元)。展覽將從下週一登場(12/10-14),為期一週的展覽與票選活動,歡迎大家踴躍參加,參加票選,萬元相機就有機會跟你回家。 (棠詠)
桃園>>心靈電影院 精彩講座歡迎報名參加
「心靈電影院」法國瘋影動畫工作室之「男人的獨白」,藉著一段段極短篇的卡通動畫,剖開男性與女性內心世界,呈現男女性別之間的想法的差異,12/12(三)12:00~12:50,歡迎您一起體會來自火星的男性與來自金星的女性,在性別角色、相處與互動的呈現模式,活動備餐,名額有限,請事先報名(洽桃園前程Q101) (孫乙仙)
目前各大企業與大學院校都逐漸朝向國際化邁進,因為未來將進入國際化的競爭環境,你已準備好因應這個趨勢嗎?前程將於12/7(五)12:00~13:40於設計大樓M104,舉辦「搶當國際人才-跨國工作的機會與挑戰」講座,特別邀請到佳世達科技公司(前為明碁BENQ)人力資源處處長與大家分享,歡迎同學來參加! (黃啟翔)
台北>>我的生涯路 工讀座談 減壓工作坊多樣齊發
前程快訊來嚕!本週三(12/5)下午六點開始,生涯探索工作坊「我的生涯路」第二波即將開課,你對自己的未來還在迷惘嗎?那麼你千萬不能錯過這堂課喔!活動備餐,請有意參加的同學要事先報名喔!還有,同一天另有一場生涯專題座談「工讀生涯停、看、聽」,邀請勞委會的專業主管為同學說明自身在打工時的自我權益以及自保之道,讓你生涯之路走來更踏實些,將於中午十二點於B901開場,有興趣的同學,歡迎大家自由進場!另外,神祕迷人的塔羅牌,常常是很多人做抉擇的重要指標,想和塔羅牌來場美麗的邂逅嗎?那麼,就一定要來參加本週六(12/08)早上九點開始的「塔羅減壓工作坊」喔!本活動須事先報名。以上活動詳情,請洽詢前程規劃處孫丕琳老師(分機2267)、簡杏桂老師(分機2268)、趙化如老師(分機2269)。 (琬勻)
1. 千斤力不如妙點子
樂觀、幽默集一身的漫畫、發明大師劉興欽老師,他的一句話「千斤力不如妙點子」, 讓王淇郎對他產生無比的好奇。遇到問題絕不退縮,只要動個腦就有答案了。這一系列的創意商品,是由劉興欽老師授權使用其筆下之大嬸婆及阿三哥等漫畫人物衍生製作的,從立體雕塑作品、藝品、紀念性商品到美味食品禮盒等衍生商品,至今仍不 斷的在開發。
2. 山中茶水天上來
3. 王淇郎雕塑藝術
王老師認為,雕塑是應用各種媒材在創作品上玩加與減的遊戲,也可以是無中生有的思維與創造行為,當對雕塑有興趣後,再接受基礎的繪畫訓練,就可以依自己想要的形態 與感覺,使用適合的媒材去雕塑作品了。
看別人所看不到的是觀察力,想別人所想不到的是想像力,做別人所做不到的是技術能 力,這就是王淇郎老師對創作的基本要訣。還意猶未盡嗎?快來設計大樓3樓商設藝廊欣賞指教。
@桃園 國樂祭 筑韻國樂下週開演
接近一年的尾聲中,國樂社即將在明園廣場上舉辦為期一週的國樂祭。更將於12/10-14,每天皆有不同樂器在中午時刻?銘傳學子演奏。其內容有基礎發音介紹之外,還有動人的小曲尾隨在後。在最後一天的節目中,將以大團演奏方式,為國樂祭畫下完美的句點。千萬別錯過與打擊、琵琶、梆笛以及古?的聚會,歡迎呼朋引伴相邀蒞臨,共賞美妙樂音。 (萱儀)
本校由鄭三權老師帶領的男子壘球隊,於11/24-25參加96年第五屆總統盃慢速壘球錦標賽全國總決賽,獲得大專校隊組亞軍。且將於12/17-21至台北迎風球場,參加大專院校96學年度壘球錦標賽,歡迎同學們屆時前往加油。 (枝秀)
@資傳系 如花雜草週四搶風頭
@畢聯會 畢冊主題今要你來決定
