校 園 焦 點
為慶祝 50 週年校慶所舉辦的「世界大學校長論壇」 3/23( 五 ) 圓滿落幕,會中,曾經受聘本校法律系教授民法與商事法的副總統呂秀蓮亦應邀出席。呂副總統在致詞時表示,尊崇創辦人包德明博士為新女性主義代表,允許她推動新女性主義,讓銘傳成為女性主義運動的大本營。她還打趣的表示,本校率先實施學生為新教師打分數的制度 ( 即現行教學評鑑 ) ,雖然給新老師很大的壓力,但後來有人告訴她,因學生都很喜歡她,給她打了一百分,至今都讓她印象深刻。會後,呂副總統與教育部政務次長呂木琳 ( 圖右 ) 與李校長合影。
本次蒞校祝賀銘傳 50 歲生日快樂的貴賓,除呂副總統外,還包括來自海內外各大學校長及院長系所主任,貴賓們全程參與校慶的各項慶祝活動,跟隨著銘傳師生的腳步一起見證銘傳大學走過五十年的篳路藍褸,也在一次次的舉杯中,祝福銘傳,再創另一個光輝五十。
◎ 碩士班初試 3156 人週二筆下論高低
【本刊訊】隨著碩士在職專班招生筆試於 3/31( 六 ) 落幕,本週二 (4/10) 一般碩士筆試緊接登場,當日將有 3,156 人同時於二校區參加考試,為使招生筆試能順利進行,教務處已完成試場配置,包括台北校區 B 、 F 樓及桃園校區 M 、 EE 樓部份教室改為試場之用,原上課班級請依通知更換教室或停課因應,請同學多加注意。
96 學年度碩士班招生報名人數雖較往年減少,但競爭依舊激烈。依據教務處的統計資料顯示,近年最 HOT 的財金所,今年再度以 460 人報名, 4.56 %的錄取率榮登研究所窄門王;而近日傳播亂象頻傳,誰能以無冕王的姿態重整台灣的新聞道德?本次傳管所計 376 人報名,錄取率亦僅有 4.78 %,想當無冕王還得加把勁;至於本年度新設的電子系碩士班與生科系碩士班,分別有 91 與 47 人搶當首屆準碩士生。至於招生邁入第二年的「教育所碩士在職專班 ( 連江班 ) 」,本週五 (4/13-20) 起開始報名,有意進修碩士學位的馬祖鄉親,可別錯過報名時程。
此外,為提供專科以上學校畢業的社會在職人士,一個重返校園修讀大學學位的機會,本校 96 學年度二年制在職進修專班招生簡章,已在二校區警衛室開始發售。本年度計有會計及風險管理與保險 ( 採一階段考試 ) 、企業管理、應用英語、應用日語、國際企業及財務金融 ( 採二階段考試 ) 等七個學系設立專班,共將提供 358 個進修名額。
本項考試於下週一 (4/16-20) 起開放網路報名及通訊收件, 5/26 進行筆試,有意報考者請詳參閱簡章中的報考資格與各系考試內容。二年制在職專班修業年限 2-3 年,上課時間為週一至週五晚上或假日,上課地點則一律在台北校區。
招募運動好手入學的「重點運動項目績優學生」招生簡章已亦發售,並將於本週四 (4/12-16) 起開放網路報名及通訊收件。 96 學年度計有觀光學院、應中、國企及風保系等 11 個院系參與招收運動好手的行列,若你家中有擅長足球、排球、男女手球及男女籃球的高中生畢業或應屆畢業生,歡迎推薦報考銘傳,讓這些運動健將能成為銘傳校隊的生力軍。
國際學位學程邀同學轉讀國際班 挑戰全英語教學環境
【本刊訊】你覺得所唸科系不是自己興趣所在,而想轉換跑道,換個學習領域嗎? 96 學年度轉系作業本週 (4/9-12)) 起開始接受同學申請,其中大一升大二各學系學生得互轉,大二升大三則需性質相近學系始得申請,而國際學位學程亦歡迎一般生申請轉系就讀;此外,在職生、應屆畢業生及休學中學生,則不得轉系;同時,每人申請轉系以一次為限,經核准公告後,不得要求再轉他系或返回原系肄業。此外,申請轉系已改為上網作業,有意申請轉系的同學請自行上網填寫,並附上成績單正本送各學系辦公室備查。
本學期轉系考試將於 4/23-26 進行,預計 5/22 公告核准名單。
◎通識教育優良學生專題報告 4/14 成果發表
本校為提升通識教育教學品質,推動教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫,增進學生研究興趣與學術能力,特訂辦法鼓勵學生撰寫「通識課程專題報告」,本學年度上學期從推薦申請全校通識課程優良學生專題報告的 34 件佳作中,評選出特優作品 5 件,優等作品 11 件。通識教育中心訂於週六 (4/14) 假台北校區大會議室舉辦通識課程「優良學生專題報告」成果發表會暨頒獎典禮,近 60 名得獎同學獲邀蒞會發表與受獎。
此次評選出特優 5 組,得獎同學和作品分別是數媒系王子軒╱檳楖西施的社會意涵、生科系劉秉賦等╱有關「性別特質」的焦點座談、風保系黃瑛湄等╱富陽自然公園生態之旅、醫管系吳佳諭等╱傳統辦桌文化、企管系鄭妤君╱不知名的樹,以上 5 組,均可獲獎狀及獎金五千元。
至於 11 組獲得優等的同學代表為:國企系林珮萱等╱貓空.纜車.觀光.省思、資管系阮懷馨等╱牛伯伯蝴蝶園、廣電系沈憶萍╱狂客返俗、應日系曾耀緯╱我的族群身份與認同、廣電系方可佳等╱小粗坑賞蝶之旅、數傳系蔡佩璇╱植物觀察 – 桔子樹、數傳系黃郁雯╱女性經濟學、企管系羅依婷等╱兩岸學子之探討、會計系賴依伶╱植物觀察、新聞系許家榕╱植物觀察 – 椰子樹、心諮系江明峰等╱親密關係的相處,以上 11 組 ( 人 ) 均可獲得獎狀以及獎金三千元。
◎推廣教育 加開週二瘦身瑜伽班
進修推廣處開設的非學分班已陸續開課,瘦身瑜伽班反應尤其熱烈,除已加開週四晚間班之外,另決定增開週二中午班 (4/3 開課 ) ,名額有限請把握機會。此外,跆拳道班正熱情招生中!
◎台評會 4/11 蒞校進行教學滿意度問卷調查
95 年度「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」之實地考評作業預定於今年 5-6 月辦理,配合該考評作業,教育部特委託社團法人台灣評鑑協會進行「教學滿意度問卷調查」,以提供訪評委員參考。該問卷調查列車 4/11 (三)駛進本校桃園校區,上午為教師施測,下午為學生施測。
本次問卷調查採隨機抽樣,以本校各學院作為施測單位,平均分配於各系所,每系所皆須有教師代表和學生代表(涵蓋各年級),本校 10 個學院共有 227 位教師和 375 位學生將在當天接受問卷調查。
在 50 週年校慶的第二屆兩岸大學校長會議、世界大學校長論壇、 2007 學術研討會,將近 200 位來自海外的專家學者蒞校交流高教和學術心得後, 3/30 姐妹校馬來西亞新紀元學院輔導與諮商心理學系陳如湘主任和李志祥講師一行 2 人蒞臨桃園校區校參訪,並與教育心理與諮商學系進行雙聯合作討論。該校目前有 1 位學生在本校新聞系 4 年級就讀, 2007 年預計將有 5 位同學申請本校國際學院與管理學院。
而外交部北美司主辦之美國國會助理訪台團一行於 4/3 下午蒞校訪問,團員包括鄧恩先生 (Mr. Rich Dunn) 與駐美代表處趙介生副組長共 11 人,該團團員多為外交與國防事務助理,訪問團並與國際事務研究所師生進行座談。
◎英語進階班 小班教學挑動你的英文神經
大班制英語課程沒辦法滿足你對學習英文的渴望嗎?沒關係,照過來! 96 學年度英語進階班就是要你!只要你是大一到大三的同學,上學期「應用英文」總成績達八十分以上,或憑現任英文老師提出推薦函,即可報名參加以口試方式進行的英語進階班甄試。
為使進階班的同學,確實了解課程與上課規劃,凡欲參加甄試者,均需參加由英語組舉辦的說明會,並於說明會結束後,憑學生證、上學期成績單正本或推薦函報名。說明會時間與地點:本週五 (4/13) 與下週五 (4/20) 中午 12 點,在台北校區音樂廳、桃園校區 CC405 教室,說明會開始後即禁止入場,同時禁止飲食哦!另,原進階班同學,若成績排名全年級前 2/3 者,可免試直升九十六學年度進階班,但須於指定時間內完成申請登記手續。欲查詢詳細情形,可至英語組詢問。
此外,英文小老師桃園第三場訓練,本週五 (4/13) 在 CC303 教室展開。為求落實小老師的教學狀況,本週起將不定時抽檢小老師活動,若有更動教學場所,請小老師務必向英會組回報。
◎多益團報 攜手挑戰高分榜
多益測驗為目前台灣職場工作上倍受重視的一項英文能力指標,校外報名需 1400 元。為減輕同學經濟壓力,英語組特爭取團報 1200 元,還可參加考前說明會和一系列考前線上全真模擬測驗,考試成績七百分以上的同學,另有額外的補助費用!欲報名者請至英語組。說明會時間台北校區週二 (4/10) 中午 12 點於大會議室;桃園校區則為下週三 (4/18) 中午 12 點於 EE502 教室。詳細活動辦法,請洽英語組。
新 聞 短 打
五十年的一字祝福 銘傳好又好
【本刊訊】由本刊主辦的「一字千金.萬分祝福」活動,共吸引了 597 位師生參與,在大家絞盡腦汁、翻遍字典後,計有 22 人送上「銘」字、 17 人以「傳」為賀字、「好」字則有 8 人青睞,繼四年前的「銘傳心」後,在 50 週年校慶的當下,以「銘傳好」三字祝福銘傳大學生日快樂、好事連連。
為感謝全校師生對本項活動的支持,主辦單位特增加「生日禮金 500 元」的得主,計有法三丙林婉婷等 15 人,可獲得 500-1000 元的生日禮金與銘傳同慶。在最佳創意獎及含意獎部份,應中三甲張怡雯以「蕊」字,形容銘傳學子用心累積智識,就像含苞待放的花朵,蓄勢待發。觀光四甲張瑋容用「念」字表達對銘傳大學的紀念與思念,拆開的「今」與「心」則表示不忘記現在的心情。
本活動詳細獲獎名單見右表,請獲獎者於本週 (4/9-13) 內攜帶學生證親至台北校區A樓三樓企劃組、桃園校區聯辦總務組領取生日禮金,逾期視同放棄哦!
代表銘傳的名聲和培育的人才,如同 999 純金般,貨真價實。 ( 法研游紫菌 )
銘刻,有永遠不忘的意思,如金質般的珍貴價值,將永遠傳承。 ( 國企朱晏瑩 )
祝福銘傳畢業學子,無論是找工作或是升學深造,都能無往不利,金榜題名。 ( 觀光郭郁華 )
銘傳大學,金字招牌,名聲響亮,好運滾滾來。 ( 醫管張鴻煜 )
銘傳是培育「專」門「人」才的學術重鎮。 ( 經濟系主任黃建森 )
銘於五內,傳播十分,銘傳有域,萬壽無疆。 ( 國傳張振碧 )
期許銘傳人,謹記校訓「誠樸敬毅」的精神,發揚光大,薪火相傳。 ( 資管蔡幸樺 )
我們正迎接銘傳的第一個 50 ,將來要不斷傳承下去,創造更璀璨的下一個 50 。 ( 公事陳慈貞 )
銘傳由「女子」學校起家,至今引領千萬「子女」,邁向好之更好的未來。 ( 應中莊涵晴 )
雖然是簡單又普通的一個字,卻完全表達銘傳的好。 ( 國企李璟佩 )
經過專業知識的薰陶,與層層樓梯的考驗之後,銘傳學子個個都是文武雙全的才子。 ( 財金鍾懷玉 )
文江學海,人才輩出;武藝超群,一鳴驚人;允文允武,文武雙全。( 中研王逸珊 )
意謂銘傳畢業生,能在各行各業中佔一席之地。 ( 財金梁淑美 )
一流的大學,培育一流人才,為社會貢獻一己心力。 ( 資管李柏駿 )
50 週年的銘傳,期待能目光長遠,永續經營。 ( 應中萬丞恩 )
登高望遠,就如同登上甫落成的第二綜合大樓,遠眺三鶯地區,代表著銘傳登峰造極,更上一層樓。 ( 資管林鴻安 )
銘傳像個大家庭 ( 門 ) ,在裡面的每一份子品德良好 ( 品 ) ,未來個個都能成為大老闆。 ( 財金林玉茹 )
靖是立與青組合而成,祝福銘傳平步青雲。此外,靖字本身有安定與恭敬之意,是教育場合中不可或缺的重要氛圍。 ( 教研陳肇文 )
用心的祝福,才是最好的禮物。( 會計施恩倩 )
本校二位創辦人包德明博士與李應兆博士,名字中都有心字邊,代表他們用心治學。 ( 應中廖苡琇 )
五十年是一個里程,延續這段榮耀,持續讓更多的希望種籽,得以綻放。 ( 數媒楊禮瑋 )
願銘傳像小草一般不屈不撓的向上成長,並有如上等好茶,在細細品嚐後,能了解其內在的甘甜和芳香。 ( 都防吳季穎 )
社 論
「和而不同」一辭出自論語子路篇,為孔子所言,原句為「君子和而不同,小人同而不和。」。依據何晏「論語集解」的釋意,可解釋為君子的見解雖然各不相同,但君子能著眼於大局,與人協調,成就和諧狀態;小人雖嗜好相同,然各爭其利,反而導致不和。同一年代的齊國思想家晏嬰更在左傳中陳明「和」與「不同」的關聯性,認為「從日常生活到國家大事,都是靠不同的物事不同的意見相成與相濟,方能形成和的局面」,以生存發展;如果拒斥不同,追求一律,則只能一事無成,難以開展 ( 林治波, 2005) 。
「和而不同」此一兩千年來的古老箴言,在二十一世紀產業更迭快速的全球化社會可說別具意義。新解「和而不同」的現代化意涵,實具有差異化 (diversity) 與團隊 (teamwork) 兩項要義。由生物界「近親繁殖」,趨同而亡的事例,及至企業組織普遍為求競爭力強調取才的差異化,足見差異化以共榮求存的概念已具有普世價值。然而差異化雖有競爭成就的潛能,能否竟其功還在於「和而不同」中達致「和」的「團隊」概念。差異化的成員組織具有提升競爭力的潛能與機會,卻也有因差異而停滯不前、降低效能的可能;組織成員因差異所造成的衝突與缺乏信任,致使團隊功能不彰者時有所聞。
團隊能力是職場的核心能力之一,一項由美國康州大學 (2003) 主導的全國性調查研究更顯示團隊能力是職場工作者評選的最重要能力。具有團隊能力者不僅具有專業能力,亦具有如傾聽、尊重、分享、提出疑問、說服、協助隊友、參與等社會能力 (Horwitz, 2005) ;團隊能力並非生而具有,而是經過不斷的學習發展而來。一個有效率、有效能的組織必然兼具差異與團隊兩項特質,始能共榮,和而不同。
教室是世界的縮影,因而也是我們實踐理想的機會; Tompkins (1991) 曾言「是我們怎麼做,而非怎麼說」對學生有真正的影響力。本校在數年國際化的努力下,校園特色已日趨差異化,鼓勵開放與多元的課堂與校園正是培養學生「和而不同」的最佳場域;培養學生成為一勇於差異與尊重差異、且願為團隊奉獻努力的「君子」,是本校戮力而行的目標,也將形塑成發展的特色之ㄧ。
專 業 開 講
MCU Celebrates 50th in Grand Style
by MCWeekly Staff
A series of activities including academic conferences, sports competitions and open campuses are scheduled to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Ming Chuan University .
The activities will kick-off with the OCross-Strait University PresidentsO Forum,O which will take place on March 22. Around 50 education leaders from universities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits will share their experiences in their quest for excellence in education.
This will be followed by the OWorld University PresidentsO ForumO, scheduled for March 23, in the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Auditorium. Over 160 higher education administrators from around the world will gather together for this event. This will be accompanied by the OInternational Academic Conference 2007,O which revolves around seventeen separate themes.
After enjoying stimulating academic conferences, the participants are invited to join several concerts by the Suwon University Philharmonic Orchestra of Korea. The benefits from the concerts will be donated to an orphanage.
The focus of the festivities will move to Ming ChuanOs Taoyuan campus on the following day, where a cocktail party will be held in the Second Gymnasium. Outstanding faculty members will be awarded prizes during the party. After this there will be a cheerleading competition and sports competition, followed by the Othousand-personO gala banquet and a fireworks show.
In addition, alumni from the United States of America , Japan , and Canada ; will return to Taipei , and will hold a symbolic OFifty-table BanquetO to commemorate the fiftieth birthday of their alma mater. They will also take a trip around northern Taiwan and to Kinmen.
A special exhibition of the OHistory of MCUO will be on display in the Library; while the Art Centre will feature paintings by Liang Dan-feng, renowned artist, with Ming Chuan campuses as the motif.
Striving for Excellence, Global Renown
by Dr. Chuan Lee, President
OIt takes ten years for a seedling to mature into a tree, but a hundred years for a generation of young people to mature and produce a good yield,O one old Chinese saying sagely observes.
Ming Chuan University is but half-way to the century mark this year. Educating the younger generation requires a long investment of diligent and hard work. As we proudly celebrate our fifty year history, itOs a good time for reflection on the efforts of our past. However, we know that we still have 50 more years of perseverance and exertion to go before reaching the desired maturity at the 100- year mark. So, this is also a good time cast vision for where we want to be by our 100th anniversary.
My vision is that Ming Chuan not only be known as the top junior womenOs business college in Taiwan, nor that it was the first junior college granted university status in Taiwan, but that it will have a significant measure of visibility and renown on a global scale. We look forward to Ming Chuan becoming a university known as one of the best around the world!
Ming Chuan has roots as a fledgling junior college for women. It has been transformed into a flourishing university, with campuses located in Taipei and Taoyuan, as well as teaching satellites on the outlying islands of Kinmen and Matsu . The founder of Ming Chuan University , Dr. Pao, was a skilled architect who created a school from nothing. Today, she is over one hundred years old. She has worked long and hard to help Ming Chuan progress from a Junior college to a senior college, and finally, to become as it is today, a university.
Recently, the university has taken big steps to become an internationally recognized university. The biggest of these steps, was the establishment of the universityOs International College , which now has over three hundred students from over sixty different countries. Ming Chuan is the only university in Taiwan that allows overseas students to come to Taiwan and study a range of undergraduate degrees, where all the instruction is provided in English.
Ming Chuan is becoming completely bilingual; all of our school regulations, processes, courses, faculty, facilities, etc are being brought up to high international standards. Ming ChuanOs faculty will be going out to teach at world-renowned universities; Ming ChuanOs students will be stepping out to further their studies at first-class institutions; and they will all be warmly welcomed there! I hope that with the dedicated effort of everyone at Ming Chuan, our future performance will be in step with the world on all fronts, continuously striving for improvement.
Education is not only a lot of hard work for the administration and teachers, it is also enjoyable.
On the hardship side, it takes so much time, strength, and capital to educate youth. Abundant patience and passion are required to teach our increasingly distracted youth. We must also be the fountains for high moral standards, to raise the level of our global society. Additionally, we must continuously learn and absorb new ideas, so that we can meet the ever changing academic requirements of our students. All together, thatOs a lot of hard work!
Fortunately, being involved in international education brings a lot of enjoyment as well. It is extremely rewarding to see our graduating youth become useful citizens and make valuable contributions to our nation and to the global society. We feel a sense of achievement, and nothing can compare to this kind of satisfaction. This explains the western saying Oonce a professor, always a professor.O
Suwon Orchestra to Perform
by MCWeekly Staff
The University of Suwon Symphony Orchestra , led by conductor Piotr Borkowski and vocalists Lee Hyon-jon and Antonio de Lucia, will perform at Novel Hall ( 3 SongShou Road , Taipei City) at 8.30pm , Friday, March 23. They will also perform at Guishan Cultural Centre on March 25; and National Taiwan Philharmonic Orchestra Performing Hall in Wufeng, Taichung County on March 26. The University of Suwon is one of MCU’s sister schools.
Admission is free for people who obtain tickets from the Alumni Association or Taoyuan campus Public Relations Office. To check on upcoming concert ticket availability, please check with the staff at extension 2473, or 3311.
This event is sponsored the Rotary Club, MCU Alumni Association and other governmental bodies, and the benefits from this concert will be donated to an orphanage.
100 Come from Around the World to Ming Chuan U
by LeAnn Eyerman
From March 22 to 24, Ming Chuan University is the place to be for linking up with university presidents from China, England, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, USA and Viet Nam.
The 2nd International Forum for University Presidents (IFUP) is the featured platform for linking up with most of these distinguished guests. On Friday, March 23 on the Taipei CampusO Sun Yat Sen Auditorium, over one hundred higher education leaders will be sharing their views on OInternationalizing Education: Vision, Fusion and Solutions.O
IFUP is just one of several academic conferences to be held in conjunction with Ming ChuanOs 50th Anniversary. Concurrently, all schools within the university will be hosting international academic conferences on a wide range of current topics. These conferences will be taking place on both Taipei and Taoyuan campuses.
One day prior, Thursday, March 22, over twenty top administrators from institutions of higher education in Mainland China will be presenting papers and joining in roundtable discussions with Taiwan counterparts regarding OUnfolding the UniversityOs Distinctives; Striving for Excellence.O
Whether the title is rector, chancellor or president, those heading up universities during this decade have something in common. They are entrusted with harnessing, and bringing to fruition, the vision for their institutions. Thus, in this forum, university presidents will be taking advantage of a prime opportunity to exchange experiences and solutions regarding ObrandO potential, international collaborations and university operations.
According to Dr. Chuan Lee, president of Ming Chuan University, these respected leaders are coming together from many parts of the eastern and western world seeking to establish mutually beneficial ties and exchange principles and practices that are proven to work.
Dr. Lee noted, OThe challenges of university leadership in this decade are multi-faceted. Building up a network of partnerships to create win-win collaborations is a key element to enhance internal and external operations.O
Through both formal and informal discussion of issues impacting universities this decade, participants and their institutions will benefit from shared research results, collaborative thinking, and motivating vision. The formal program includes sessions on: Capitalizing on our ObrandO, Creating and operating collaborations and Thriving in the face of adversity.
A number of social events are planned for the forum participants to enhance their visit to Taiwan and provide ample opportunities for them to engage in informal discussion.
On Thursday evening, March 22, all participants will be treated to a Welcome Banquet, to be held on the twelfth floor of the Ambassador Hotel. The banquet is hosted by Dr. Chuan Lee.
Then, following the forum, on the evening of March 23, all of the universities special guests will be treated to a dinner and concert. The concert is a charity event featuring the University of Suwon student orchestra from Korea.
From morning till evening, jubilant 50th Anniversary celebrations will be the program for Saturday March 24. The morning begins with a formal anniversary meeting featuring speeches, award presentations, culture performances, prize drawing, cocktail reception and more. Following lunch, the annual Sports Festival kicks off with the much celebrated cheerleading dance attracting everyoneOs attention. Finally, in the evening Founder Dr. Teh-Ming Pao and President Dr. Chuan Lee are hosting a gala dinner for 1000 special guests, faculty and staff. The pop, crackle and flash of fireworks will bring the day to a spectacular conclusion.
Enjoy the Energy:
Creative Cheerleading Competition
by Eva Wai
Teams from all departments will be competing for honors in the Creative Cheerleading competition on the 24th of March, on the Taoyuan campus sports field to celebrate Ming Chuan’s fiftieth anniversary.
The cheerleading competition is held every year, so that students can build teamwork and express their creativity in energetic ways. They compete against other departments to see who gets into the finals.
“This is my first time coaching the students of MCU and it is my honour to offer them my four years of experience in dancing. I am more than delighted to be here.O said George Zhen – Coach, senior of Taipei University. Students taking part are all freshmen and are doing this voluntarily. Each department chooses its own theme and music, and has been practicing since December.
“The students have been very co-operative, making it easier for me to help them choreograph their five minute piece. However due to time, a lot of movements have been left out.O said Zhen. The rehearsals are stressful, time consuming and exhausting. The directors, coaches, and students put in a lot of time and effort to complete each move.
“I think that IC will do very well and get through to the finals. They just need to concentrate and coordinate with their dance partners, to make sure that every move is understood,O said David Mii D Director, sophomore. Full participation and self discipline would be useful among the students so that they are able to remember each move and not forget any, otherwise one mistake can mess up everybody’s next move, Mii said.
“I took part in this event myself last year, so this is why, this year I decided to take part in the organizing of things. They just need to believe in themselves and have more confidence, then things will be fine.O said Charles Huang, organizer, sophomore.
“Taking part in cheerleading for the first time has been a great experience and I have definitely learnt lots of moves. I hope I will get the chance to help out next year.O said David Chou D Dancer, freshman.
Chou has taken part in other extra curricular activities and enjoys cheerleading the most. Chou looks forward to the MCU anniversary but is very nervous. Both Huang and Mii have faith that their team will do well in this years Cheerleading Competition.
Clubs Show their Stuff
by Anita Pan
Exotic foods, live performances, and visual arts; will be featured on campus as various student clubs will be putting on special activities for the universityOs anniversary.
An Arts Exhibition reflecting Ming ChuanOs history will be held on the first floor of Q-building between the 20th and 24th of March. Displays will feature work from the Photography Club, Applied Art, Animation and Cartoon Club, DIY Club, Architecture Department, and Blue Ink Poetry Club.
On Saturday the 24th of March, the main day of MCUOs fiftieth anniversary celebrations, you can watch and enjoy many performances on the outdoor basketball court, between 10.30am to 1:20pm. The following shows are scheduled: Wind Band Club, Ballroom Dance Club, and Magic Club at 10.30; International College, Dactylology Club, Fired Wind Band, and Z-Chin Club at 11.00; Chinese Martial Art Club, Taekwondo Club, Hylo-Guitar Club, and Jazz Piano Club at 12.00.
Besides, you can savor a wide variety of food at stalls, which will be open from 9.00am till 3.00pm on the 24th of March. Look out for these stalls at the outdoor basketball court and other locations on Taoyuan campus. A vast variety of choices ranging from traditional Taiwanese snacks and exotic foreign cuisine will be served. There will also be many stands offering various products for sale and games to play.
Students and guests are warmly welcome to participate in these fun activities and join in celebrating MCUOs fiftieth anniversary.
Cheer On Your Favorite Team – Annual Sports Festival
by MCWeekly Staff
A university-wide sports competition will be held to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of Ming Chuan University.
The tournaments which will be on Saturday, 24 March, will include track and field, creative cheerleading, and a tug of war.
Not only students will be competing, but also teachers. Come and cheer them on as they join in the fun.
Those who are taking part in track and field competitions are required to wear sports shoes and sporting attire. They must also attach their contestant number on the front part of their shirts.
All contestants are to register by going to the registration points with their student identity cards, twenty minutes prior to the event they are participating in. Then they will be guided to the venue by volunteer students.
Big cash prizes of up to NT$30,000 will be awarded to teams that excel in their respective tournaments.
Ming Chuan: a 50-year View
by Dr. Teh-Ming Pao, Founder and President Emeritus
A university is an organism, which continually grows with time to be robust and exuberant. Many well-known universities in the world have several hundred years of history, while Ming Chuan is just now celebrating its fiftieth year with its future potential as boundless as the sky.
The forty-two years that I served as president of this institution in the past could be termed a vocation of service. The duty of a school is to nurture able and clever young people; all the more, a university has the responsibility to rear timber for building society. I am very gratified to see over 80,000 alumni using the abilities they were trained in at MCU to set up families and establish their careers, some have even returned to Ming Chuan after earning their graduate degrees to be of benefit to their juniors. The care everyone shows for Ming Chuan deeply impresses and honors me.
In concluding these brief celebratory remarks, I wish to convey a charge to all in the Ming Chuan family: Allow your strength to accumulate hour by hour, your career to advance with each passing day, your capabilities to grow continually, your life to always expand its boundaries, and every day will be a good day! As long as we are able to truly live each moment, there is no path closed to us. Ming Chuan’s road these fifty years was traversed in that way; once again, I say: May you have everything you wish for!
Eisenhower’s Legacy Lives on at MCU in PTPI
by LeAnn Eyerman
Ming Chuan University ‘s (MCU) 50th Anniversary will be feted by People To People International’s (PTPI) Mary Jean Eisenhower during the special celebration program on Saturday morning, March 24.
Granddaughter of the late U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ms. Mary Jean Eisenhower will be a special guest of MCU from March 21-25. Long time friend of Founder Dr. Teh-Ming Pao and President Dr. Chuan Lee, Eisenhower has accepted an invitation to deliver words of greeting during the 50th Anniversary celebration program to take place on Taoyuan campus, beginning at 9 am on March 24.
Ms. Eisenhower, President and CEO of PTPI, was also a special guest at MCU’s 45th Anniversary. During that celebration, she noted with appreciation that Ming Chuan really knows how to put on a grand party. In anticipation of an even grander event this year, Eisenhower will be joined at MCU by other PTPI friends from around the world.
In addition to Ms. Eisenhower, other PTPI Board of Directors’ Members coming to join in Ming Chuan’s jubilation include Ms. Anita Manuel and Mr. Troy Nash from the USA , as well as Ms. Ruriko Nakajima from Japan . Ms. Martine Honegger, wife of Board Member Mr. Ernst Honegger who visited MCU late last year, will be attending from Switzerland . In addition, Mr. Kazumichi Osumi, former president of PTPI Ogaki Chapter, is traveling from Japan to join in the activities. The PTPI delegation also includes PTPI staff members Mr. Brooks Herman, Director of African, Middle Eastern & Asian Operations based in the USA, along with Ms. Jasmine Kim, Asian Liaison based at PTP Korea National Headquarters
On Sunday morning, March 25, “Perspectives on Collaboration in the Asia-Pacific Region” will be the topic of a roundtable discussion among PTPI friends gathered at the Ambassador Hotel.
For the roundtable discussion, the PTPI overseas delegation will be joined by Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre Representative Dato’ Dr. Ku Abd. Rahman Bin Ku Ismail, Manila Economic and Cultural Office Representative Mr. Antonio Basilio, Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Office in Taipei Representative Ms. Batchimeg Migeddorj, former Director General of Seoul Korea’s Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office, Dr. Li Tsai Fang, and representatives from PTP ROC’s Taipei and Tainan Chapters.
Ms. Eisenhower will deliver greetings from PTPI to the gathered discussants. Events such as this roundtable embody the spirit of PTPI, expressed in their motto: Peace Through Understanding.
Ms. Eisenhower was born in Washington , D.C. during her grandfather, Dwight Eisenhower’s first term as U.S. President. Since joining PTPI, Mary has visited more than 40 countries. Missions have included everything from meeting first families to distributing food to cultural and humanitarian exchanges. In 1999 she started PTPI’s Friendship Fund inspired by an orphanage in Morocco . The fund is a way for people to help the friends and facilities they visit throughout the world and help our Chapter network assist each other. Currently she is focused on a pilot project involving Peace Camps for youth and adults to bring people from diverse areas together to discuss issues and reach a better understanding.
Foreign Voices, Shared Understandings
by Peter Kobayashi
In the cold and the pouring rain, on Ming Chuan UniversityOs Taoyuan campus, one student, who seems to be from sub-Saharan Africa , spots another young man.
“Where are you from? I’m majoring in International Business. What about you?!‥!§Ah, tu parle francais aussi?!‥They burst into warm laughter, and a new friendship is born. Next to them, another young woman, who seems to be of Slavic origin, smiles as she curiously listens to the conversation in a language that she once studied at high school.
While the friendly conversation is still going on, a delegation from Mongolia, keen to find out about the prospective destination for their students back home, completes a tour around M-building and heads to their next stop: the Art Centre. Minutes ago, they have just observed a solemn tea ceremony in a tatami-mat classroom in P-building, presided over by an exchange student from Japan.
These are the sights and sounds seen and heard all year round at the Taoyuan campus of Ming Chuan University (MCU), where the International College and the Graduate School of the International Affairs are situated; and where most of the over 350 students originating from more than sixty countries are studying at.
“Having worked with different nationalities through the diplomatic corps and through interactions with businessmen from around the world, I thought I’d already heard and seen it all – until I came to MCU,” says Joel Bassig, GSIA student from the Philippines. “The diversity of the students, be it from their countries of origin, to their skills, competencies, and work ethics; has contributed greatly to the international atmosphere that MCU is very well known for.
The life in this “cosmopolitan” atmosphere of MCU has benefited him a lot, Bassig says.
“This makes me realize that to be on par with the rest of the world, you have to fully know who you are and where you come from, while on the other hand, being able to stand alongside your colleagues from different nations and be one with them; to be able to break cultural barriers and speak beyond the challenge of language differences; to work hard and have fun at the same time.”
As well as overseas students mingling with other overseas students on campus, the interaction between the overseas students and the local students has also contributed to the stimulating environment of MCU.
“Some international and local students take the same courses. Some even live in the same room in the school dormitory. They also work as a team in competitions like cheerleading dance contests, basketball games and many other kinds of student activities,” explains Dr Nathan Liu, Deputy Executive Director of the Division of International Education Exchange.
The university assists the international student body through organizing activities such as Chinese language tutoring and cultural tours, all targeted at promoting multinational exchange centred on the local culture, Dr Liu adds.
Some overseas students are so good at Chinese that they are often mistaken to be local students. Some of these may be from Malaysia. Around forty students from Malaysia are here for several semesters on dual degree programmes. MCU is affiliated with seven such institutions in Malaysia that emphasize educating their ethnic Chinese students, both in English and Mandarin.
Not only is the world coming to MCU, MCU is also going out to the world. Currently, MCU has sixty-one affiliated universities in nineteen countries, encompassing four continents. This academic year, there have been thirty-seven MCU students who have gone to the USA, the UK, and Japan on exchange or dual degree programmes; nine more are scheduled to go to Korea. The pace of academic exchanges involving both students and professors is expected to expand further. During 2006 alone, over ten delegations have visited MCU, while MCU staff have made more than twenty trips overseas on various missions.
But the quest for international education is not just about having fun. Sometimes, frictions occur in such a multi-cultural environment as MCU, where many of the local and overseas students have scarcely been exposed to cultures other than their own.
“Differences in language and culture are the main causes of feeling homesick,” says Ario Achmad Madian, sophomore from Indonesia. “I kept asking: why are things not done the way I’m used to back home? Why do people behave the way they do and why is stinky tofu so stinky?”
“But then, I realised that those are the very things that made Taiwan a unique place, and I even missed them when I went home for summer. When I came back, stinky tofu wasn’t stinky anymore.”
For Bassig, too, the initial difficulty turned out to be an opportunity to strengthen him. “In an international environment, people clique with people who either speak the same language, or those who come from the same region,” he says. “I have learnt that one must be culturally sensitive and flexible, not just to belong, but to be able to communicate effectively across different nationalities and backgrounds.”
Dr. Liu assures that the university is doing what it can to help solve the difficulties that students may face. “Some (overseas) students have trouble taking courses required by the department, while others have problems getting used to our attendance system and formal exams,” he says.
All those are systems local students are very familiar with, and this had initially puzzled local staff who found it difficult to comprehend why the systems should pose so many problems for foreign students. However, Dr Liu says, this problem has already been alleviated: “MCU set up an ‘International Student Advising Office’ six years ago to tackle the kinds of problems that overseas students may encounter.”
Added to that, the faculty members who themselves had been foreign students when completing their higher degrees overseas, are also able to assist students. “They are very comfortable with cross-cultural and multinational environments,” Dr Liu adds.
And for those faculty members who are yet to have their own international experience, the chances for exchange programmes are wide open, as there have been over ten instances of visiting scholars and scholars visiting overseas institutions during 2005-2006.
Back at the “Foreign Language Corner” in P-building, a group of students are chatting in Korean. ppa,O says a local female student who has just returned from an exchange programme, towards an International College student from Korea. She is saying: Oelder brother.O At the next table, a local student majoring in commercial design is working on her photography assignment, using a Brazilian classmate as a model. And, of course, all of them get a special discount on their coffee, because they all ordered it in English.
Alumni Reflect on Ming Chuan Memories
by Ming Chuan Weekly Staff
These are excerpts of the memoirs recorded by Ming Chuan alumni, who are prominent figures in various fields. They were written especially for the fiftieth anniversary of their alma mater.
Chiu Ching-hui
In that conservative era, it wasnOt easy for a woman to run school. President Pao was so dedicated to her job she used to have a say in everything, including our hairstyle, attire, shoes, attendance, exam, even the way we danced. All the teachers were well-known professional figures in the respective field. It was so easy for Ming Chuan graduates to find jobs, since they all knew accounting and spoke English.
Lin Tung-pang
OGrandma PaoO really treated us like her own children. She even cried when admonishing us. We cherish the OSpirit of Ming ChuanO that would affect us for the rest of our lives.
Hou Wang Shu-chao
The Oattendance ladiesO were very much despised. We often had to take a taxi up the hill to make it for the roll-call. We calculated the minimum hours required to pass, and skipped the rest of classes. But come to think of it, after experiencing the Oreal worldO following graduation, it wasnOt all negative.
Hsu Kuang-lin
The proctors were so strict that even the OprofessionalO cheaters in exams had no hope of success. Besides that, the most unforgettable memories are regarding the snacks from Shihlin Night Market.
Ma Wen-hsuan
The most unforgettable memory about Ming Chuan, of course, is climbing up those stairs! President Pao insisted that accounting be made the compulsory subject for all of us. Strict training at Ming Chuan made me work continuously for forty years ceaselessly, until last year when I retired.
Chi Chia-yuan
What we have learnt at Ming Chuan has helped us come this far. From here in the United States of America, I think of my alma mater, which nourished us and brought us up. Ming Chuan is still flourishing, and the Alumni Association in the USA is ever growing.
Life as an Exchange Student
by Ming Chuan Weekly Staff
Some of the students who spent their semester overseas on international exchange programs shared their experiences with MCWeekly. The full version of their experiences will be printed in the coming issue of Ming Chuan Magazine.
Cora Wang (USA)
Each international student had a host family, who would treat the student like a real member of their family. Luckily, the McDonalds were my host family, and they love me just as I love them. They showed me their culture and how important Jesus is to them; I showed them Chinese calligraphy and Taiwanese cooking.
Jennifer Yang (UK)
When I first arrived at Aberdeen airport in Scotland, I was surprised that there were so many Spanish tourists. But, after a while, when I listened to them more closely, I realized that they were speaking in ENGLISH! I could hardly understand a word of their strange Scottish accent. Later on, a classmate translated their English into American English so that I could understand it!
Lai Wei-ling (USA)
Teachers in America always encourage students to voice their opinions. This taught me how to think independently. In Taiwan, teachers just spend most of their teaching hours talking about whatOs on the blackboard. They should learn from listening to studentsO views, too.
Lucy Hung (USA)
University staff and volunteer workers were waiting for me at the airport. Seeing their smiles, I didnOt feel nervous anymore. They took such good care of us. They took us to the dorm and even helped us carry the luggage. I felt they were so considerate and nice towards international students.
Scarlet Chu (UK)
SHELL, an international corporation, not only decided to use the invitation card we designed, they invited us to their formal party. It was an unforgettable experience to attend this party and experience a bit of Ocorporate life.O
Sophia Lin (USA)
People in America are so nice and friendly. They show their friendliness by smiling or saying hello even to strangers. It is easy to start a conversation with Americans, because they are so friendly. I celebrated Christmas the American way for the first time with my host family. They woke me up at six and opened presents under the Christmas tree. I got many nice presents from my host family.
Huang Chien-hwa (South Korea)
I had negative image of Koreans, to be frank. But after I came here I realized how wrong I was. A stranger helped me carry a heavy bag; strangers at restaurant spoke to us, and taught us about their culture; when we were leaving the restaurant, the owner said those people had already paid for us.
Yvonne Hong (South Korea)
When I first arrived there, I felt I was illiterate. But Jae-Young, our first Korean teacher, made all these lines and circles make sense for us. I wore the traditional clothes and played in a Korean drama as a final exam. Although I didnOt remember all the lines, it was an unforgettable experience.
生 活 主 題
50 週年校慶活動熱鬧非凡,副總統呂秀蓮及來自世界各地 160 多位專家學者在「世界大學校長論壇」共同探討高教發展特色。而「 2007 國際學術研討會」中,校內外學者也發表了 588 篇影響深遠的論文。
另外, 3/24 校慶酒會中,校長李銓頒發資深教職員工及教師學術研究成果獎。創辦人包德明博士、校友會、吳佩華女士均捐贈獎助學金,幫銘傳學子圓夢。各國代表也紛紛致贈紀念品,祝賀本校校運昌隆。近百名海外校友返台為母校慶祝,同時為創辦人包德明博士百歲誕辰暖壽,場面溫馨感人。國術社及商設系合唱團則展現才藝,為校慶活動增添熱鬧氣氛。
。校慶回顧攝影 >> 楊峰榮 陳瑞斌 蔡禮安 劉志明 江烽榮 劉衍宗
。校慶回顧文字 >> 闕淑茹
活 動 線 上
繼校慶一連賽事,體育室緊接著舉辦「班際盃投籃機挑戰賽」,凡報名之班級將在這一個禮拜 (4/9-13) 進行預賽,預賽時間為各校區各班體育課時間舉行,參賽同學可千萬不要錯過比賽時間喔!此次活動已於 3/30 報名截止,今天起為期一週於各班上體育課時進行預賽,兩校區各錄取 15 班參加總決賽,通過預賽的隊伍需於下週五 (4/20) 中午十二時十分出席決賽,而當天出場順序將由體育室代為抽籤排定。團體賽以及個人賽兩校區各錄取前四名,各頒發獎金、獎品乙份,另外尚有高達 2000 元 ( 團體賽 ) 以及 700 元 ( 個人賽 ) 的高額獎金等著你來奪取!準備好了嗎?讓我們一起邁向冠軍寶座吧!
創意啦啦觀光奪金 拔河男資工女心諮總冠軍
校慶當天 (3/24) 一早,在桃園校區的運動場上,從八時三十分開始展開了一連串的田徑賽事,首先開場的是女子跳高、男子跳遠決賽以及女生組 100 公尺計時賽,不論是比高還是比遠甚至是比快,各個參賽選手發揮其最佳狀態,設法奪得第一名,競爭可堪稱激烈,稍後的男生組 100 公尺以及男子跳高、女子跳遠決賽和男女兩組 200 公尺,各個選手亦表現不凡,增添了比賽的可看性,得獎名單參見下表。
眾所矚目的創意啦啦舞蹈錦標賽,在桃園校區體育館三樓展開決賽,今年的表演場上看不到以往傳統式的啦啦舞服裝,各系皆發揮巧思,設計出符合表演風格之服裝來呈現表演的效果;在道具方面,則是見精不見多,相較於前兩年誇張式的舞台背景則不多見;此外,話劇情節式的表演風格吸引眾多系所採納,加上簡單俐落的舞蹈動作,雖有部分系所主題衝突,但都能突顯出各個系的特別風格,期望得以獲得評審老師的青睞。其中,觀光學院以科技感與現代感的舞蹈以及服裝造型,贏得第一名之頭銜;傳播學院以出嫁的歡樂氣氛及搶眼的服裝造型取得第二名;品設系的迷彩風果然撼動評審老師的心,奪得第三名;應日系則以日式能劇的表演風格搭配其日式衣著,活潑甜美的表現獲第四名;會計系融入春夏秋冬所代表節慶為表演基底,搭配多變的表演方式,抱得第五名;第六名則由充滿奧運運動精神的財金系奪得;商設系以銘傳宮廟會為主軸,加上真人扮演的石獅子, local 以及逗趣的表演風格則得第七名;第八名則是由森林小精靈舉辦歡樂嘉年華的企管系取得。在佳作方面,有資工、法律、資傳、統資、資管、應英、國企、應中、電通以及數媒等十系獲得。
緊接在啦啦舞之後的兩校區拔河總決賽,不僅是比兩邊參賽選手誰力氣大,也比兩校區學生的加油聲哪邊大,兩場賽事真可叫觀賽的同學捏了一把冷汗,不論是男子組還是女子組,在前兩點雙雙僵持不下的場面,都進入了第三點的比賽,桃園校區的隊伍 ( 資工與心諮 ) 在用盡最後一絲力氣的情況下,雙雙險勝,將拔河的總冠軍獎盃再度留在桃園校區,其中,由記錄資料得知資工系亦為拔河三連霸盟主。
另外,在下午的教職員工趣味競賽方面,師長們的熱情可說是一點兒也不輸給學生,團結努力自然不在話下,其中,語文學院的師長一反平時溫文儒雅之形象,一路奮勇向前,奪得冠軍寶座,而管理學院一點也不退讓的緊追上來,奪得第二名,第三名則是由平日勞苦功高的總務處取得,第四名學務處。大隊接力決賽方面,八個參賽隊伍爭奪四個名次,最後觀光學院以 2 分 44 秒的佳績勝出,遠遠擺脫第二名的品設系,第三名國際學院,唯一進入前四強的台北隊伍會計系則獲得第四名。
◎小心二房東 租賃外宿謹防詐騙
因此,住服組特別請外宿生在租屋前,留心三件事: 1. 請同學們承租房子前務必確認房東是否為房屋所有權人 ( 查看所有權狀或稅單 ) 。 2. 同學們在外租屋時,一定要知道與你簽約的人到底有沒有權利出租房子,如果不是屋主本人,應請其提供一份屋主的委託書。 3. 如果是二房東,則須請二房東出示與大房東的契約書,並注意與二房東簽約的日期不得超過二房東與大房東簽約的日期。且留意二房東與大房東的租約內是否有「不得轉租」的約定。
並且,學務處住宿服務組,提供有租屋契約書及簽約注意事項書面資料,請同學遭遇任何租賃方面問題與學務處住輔組聯絡:台北 02-28809715 、 02-28824564 分機: 2215 ,桃園 03-3507001 分機: 3124 。也請同學隨時互相照應成為彼此的幫助。
◎2007 職場逗陣行 — 職涯系列活動
前程規劃暨學習資源處「 2007 職場逗陣行 — 職涯系列活動」本週將持續上場,包括企業徵才說明會、求職實戰工作坊等。活動之時間場次分述如下:本週三 (4/11) 中午十二點於音樂廳,由花旗銀行所主辦的企業徵才說明會,主要召募人才包括信用貸款、保險業務、電話行銷專員。緊接著週四 (4/12) 中午十二點於 B901 ,則為英國保誠人壽所主導的企業徵才說明會,主要召募人才包括投資型保單、醫療型保單、英式分紅保單規劃專員等。
而於週六 (4/14) 上午九點半將登場的是「求職實戰工作坊」,由「就業情報職涯顧問群」在 B901 會議室為同學展開一連串最受用的履歷及面試的實戰守則,千萬不要錯過機會! ( 同學請預約報名,畢業班同學優先 ) ,活動連絡老師:台北孫丕琳分機 2267 。
上週一 (4/2) 歡喜落幕的國企歌唱比賽,不但報名人數超額,更因有市價四萬五的筆記型電腦催生之下,出動了不少人馬。在這樣的氣勢之下,緊接著本週歡迎全校師生,一同搭上「國企航空」,一同出國「企」
另外,現場將發送免費面膜,詳細發送情況請看周邊海報說明。而週五 (4/13) 晚間七點更將於逸仙堂舉辦國企之夜,當晚將送出市價近兩千的哆啦 A 夢玩偶,搭配上各項表演,為國企週畫下完美的句點。
心諮系學會主辦的心諮週即將於本週一 (4/9) 即將開始囉!
每學期總有新變化!今年一連五天的心理週除了有熱鬧的攤位外,週二 (4/10) 晚上六點於 S104 也提供心靈電影院的服務。有多久沒走進電影院呢?就讓邀請三五好友,帶著輕鬆的心情,來邂逅一場心靈電影的饗宴吧!
而週四 (4/12) 晚上六點半起於 P102 ,還有一連三小時令人熱血的歌唱大賽,看你是要來挖寶還是吃喝玩樂,來看看就對了!
◎95 另類文藝季今天藝形入侵
還記得去年熱鬧非凡的都會叢林文藝季嗎,今年 95 另類文藝季「藝形入侵」,要帶給大家不一樣的感受。從今天 (4/9) 至星期五 (4/13) 上午十點至下午四點,在明園有創意市集的活動,來看看創意達人帶來最具創意的作品。
在今天 (4/9) 到星期三 (4/11) 中午十二點至十二點半,另有魔術秀,神槍手秀等一連串的表演!歡迎大家逛市集,也別忘了在中午時刻賞表演,歡迎同學們一起來感受藝形入侵吧!
本週二 (4/10) 由財金系所舉辦的「金舞門之出奇制勝」舞會熱鬧滾滾的登場了。此次舞會主題為創意制服趴,歡迎各位同學盡情發揮想像,秀出自己最獨特的制服創意,踴躍爭取成為當天的 Party Quean 和 Party King 吧。
活動於當日 (4/10) 下午六點,捷運忠孝敦化站六號出口的 Pa-soul 舉辦,相關費用請見海報說明,現場備有多種餐點與飲品,絕對是一場讓人值回票價,又令人難忘的豐富饗宴。
● ESPN 校園 CANPUS 等你挑戰
愛打籃球嗎?三分球超行?喜歡 SBL 的明星球員嗎?台北學生自治會歡迎你,本週三及四 (4/11-12) 中午 12 點至 13 點,前來台北逸仙堂參加 ESPN 校園 CANPUS(3 分球大賽 ) , 4/11 上午 11 點至 12 點逸仙堂外先報名。 4/12 三分球 PK 賽結束後,還有機會和球星合照和索取簽名唷 ! !
【本刊訊】歡樂的 50 週年校慶,隨著校慶演唱會的落幕,所有的慶祝活動也告一段落了。校慶活動當天精彩連連,其中於校慶慶祝酒會中所抽出的彩品得獎人未能即時公告,總務處特此登刊中獎名單,希望未領取彩品的師長們,儘速於本週內以摸彩券收執聯,方便兌換得獎彩品。
◎English News Summary
MCU Hoop Shooting Competition
The first round of the hoop shooting competition will be held this week (4/9-4/13) for those classes that signed up for it during Physical Education class on either campus. The top fifteen classes from each campus will advance to the final round to be held next Friday (4/20) at 12:10 p.m. Four winners from the group and from the individual competitions will be selected from each campus. The first prize for the group competition will be NT$2000, and for the individual competition it will be NT$700. So, get ready to shoot some hoops!
Off Campus Housing Reminders
Due to an increase in recent apartment rental fraud cases, the Off Campus and Overseas Students’ Service Section would like to remind all MCU students to be careful and cautious of off campus housing rental matters. Students are reminded to verify that the landlords are the actual property owners, by requesting the landlords to show documents that prove property ownership. In addition, students should be more cautious when subletting or making an investment in the apartments.
MCU Honors English Program
Those students who would like to be in the Honors Program must obtain a grade of 80% or more in their Practical English course or obtain a letter of recommendation written by their current English teacher. Orientations for the Honors English program will be held this Friday (4/13) and next Friday (4/20) at noon in CC405 on Taoyuan campus, and in the Multimedia Theater (E Building) on Taipei campus. Students are reminded to be punctual; students are not allowed to enter the meeting rooms after the orientation has begun. No food or drinks are allowed in the meeting rooms. For more information, please contact the English Language Center at 2312 or 3177.
社 團 集 錦
社團 Call-in
■台北校區 ●桃園校區