


以上八位通過升等教師代表著作分別為:高志尊「光畫-私風景Ⅱ」、蕭桂芳「Data Modeling Mobile Augmented Reality: Integrated Mind and Body Rehabilitation」、王价巨「Post-disaster Cross-nation Mutual Aid in Natural Hazards: Case Analysis from Sociology of Disaster and Disaster Politics Perspectives」、劉志興「The processes of social capital and employee creativity: empirical evidence from intraorganizational networks」、詹仕鑑「Comprehension of Green Buildings for General Population in Taiwan」等4篇、鄭杏孚「L2 Motivational Self System and L2 Willingness to Communicate in the Taiwanese EFL Context: A Mixed Methods Study」、張榮農「Effects of Learning Orientation and Team Embeddedness on Mobility: A Multi-group Comparison」等2篇、本間美穗「台灣日語學習者書面請求行為之研究-透過台日大學生之比較」。
