
【891】How many friends have you made at MCU?

by Su, Chien-ling The opportunity of meeting and making friends with people from all over the world on campus is precious and should be cherished. Saying “Hello” to each other could be the first easy step! At the most recent General Education event for sharing cross-cultural experiences which was held on May 9th at Jihe Complex, participants from El Salvador, Honduras, China, Korea and Taiwan engaged in a lively discussion; when someone raised the question, “How many friends have you made at Ming Chuan?”, many of them shook their heads. It’s not easy for foreign students to make friends with Taiwanese students. They thought that it’s probably because Taiwanese students are too shy or they are afraid that their English is not good enough. However, students from China did not really agree with that because there is no language barrier between them and Taiwanese students; still, they feel isolated. During the talk, foreign students shared a lot of their ideas about college education. Most of them suggested that students’ experiences should be more valued and professors should encourage more discussions. In recent years, Ming Chuan has the highest number of foreign students on any campus in Taiwan. In order to create opportunities for foreign students to meet local students and share cross-cultural experiences with each other, with the support of Project for Teaching Excellence, the General Education Center has held four talks at Jihe Complex and Taoyuan Campus over the past two years.
