


以上12位通過升等教師代表著作分別為:高志尊「光畫-私風景Ⅱ」、蕭桂芳「Data Modeling Mobile Augmented Reality: Integrated Mind and Body Rehabilitation」、王价巨「Post-disaster Cross-nation Mutual Aid in Natural Hazards: Case Analysis from Sociology of Disaster and Disaster Politics Perspectives」、劉志興「The processes of social capital and employee creativity: empirical evidence from intraorganizational networks」、謝祖松「美國專利域外效力—兼論其對專利涉外民事案件審理之影響」等4篇、黃漢年「The Effects of Balance Training Frequency on the Balance Ability in Healthy Young Adults」、詹仕鑑「Comprehension of Green Buildings for General Population in Taiwan」等4篇、鄭杏孚「L2 Motivational Self System and L2 Willingness to Communicate in the Taiwanese EFL Context: A Mixed Methods Study」、張榮農「Effects of Learning Orientation and Team Embeddedness on Mobility: A Multi-group Comparison」等2篇、徐伶蕙「When Accents Weigh Heavily on Interlocutor Perceptions: Implications of Linguistic Stereotyping in EFL Classrooms and Acceptance of World Englishes」,邱琪瑄「中國大陸與台灣地區文化創意產業園區公私協力夥伴關係之比較研究」、本間美穗「台灣日語學習者書面請求行為之研究-透過台日大學生之比較」,及參考著作等審定通過。
